Cara menggunakan mysql 5.5 backup

Can anyone please help! - I have a large table in a MySQL 5.5 database. It is a table which holds a mixture of blobs/binary data and just data rows with links to file paths. It has just over a million rows.

I am having desperate problems in getting the data out of this table to migrate it to another server.

I have tried all sorts - mysqldump (with and without -quick), dumping the results of a query via the command line. Using a MySQL admin tool (Navicat) to open and export the data to file, CSV, or do a data transfer (line by line) to another DB and/or another server but all to no avail.

When trying to use the DB admin tool (Navicat), it gets to approx 250k records and then fails with an "Out of memory" error. I am not able to get any error messages from the other processes I have tried, but they seem to fall over at approximately the same number of records.

I have tried playing with the MySQL memory variables (buffer size, log file size, etc) and this does seem to have an effect on where the export stops (currently I have actually made it worse).

Also - max_allowed_packet is set to something ridiculously large as I am aware this can be a problem too.

I am really shooting in the dark, and I keep going round and round trying the same things and getting no further. Can anyone give me any specific guidance, or recommend perhaps any tools which I might be able to use to extract this data out??

Thanks in hope and advance!

A little more information below - following some questions and advice:

The size of the table I am trying to dump - it is difficult to say, but the sql dump gets to 27gb when the mysqldump dies. It could be approximately 4 times that in total.

I have tried running the following mysqldump command:

mysqldump --single-transaction --quick mydatabase attachments --password=abc123 -u root > d:\attachments.sql

And this gives the error:

mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when dumping table attachments at row: 251249 – Mayb2Moro 4 hours ago

The server has 8gb RAM, Some of the relevant settings copied below. It is an INNODB database/table.

innodb_buffer_pool_size=3000M innodb_log_file_size=1113M max_allowed_packet=2024M query_cache_size=52M tmp_table_size=500M myisam_sort_buffer_size=50M


ada yang punya tutorial yang mudah mengenai pertanyaan saya di atas?
 saya sudah pernah coba autobackup lewat mysql administrator tp tidak ada hasilnya...

 saat ini sedang belajar autobackup via cmd tp lumayan membingungkan... saya ada tutorialnya dr bahasa itali , kalau diterjemahkan seperti ini :

Cara backup database MySQL pada Windows

    1. Buat file "c: \ backup \ Backup.bat", buka dengan editor teks favorit Anda dan menggunakan sintaks berikut untuk DB masing-masing untuk dimasukkan dalam prosedur backup otomatis:

       mysqldump-u [USERNAME]-p [MASUKKAN PASSWORD] - opt [NAMA DATABASE]> [BackupFile]

       Inilah yang isi sampel Backup.bat berkas terdiri dari dua database:

       September dt = tanggal%: ~ 6,4% - tanggal%: ~ 3,2% - tanggal%: ~ 0,2%
       mysqldump-uUser1-pPassword1 - opt Database1> c:. \ backup \ Database1-%% dt sql
       mysqldump-uUser2-pPassword2 - opt Database2> c:. \ backup \ Database2-%% dt sql

       [Catatan: Perintah ini menyediakan generasi dari file cadangan dengan tanggal hari ini otomatis ditambahkan dalam format "YYYY-MM-DD" dan berhubungan dengan sistem operasi dikonfigurasi untuk bahasa Italia.]
    2. Dijadwalkan pelaksanaan cadangan sehingga hal itu dilakukan setiap hari (tengah malam) dengan menjalankan perintah:

       AT 00:00 / SETIAP: m, t, w, th, f, s, c: \ backup \ Backup.bat

Pada titik ini Anda hanya perlu historicize (mungkin di tape atau CD) file cadangan dihasilkan.
Satu-satunya perbedaan nyata antara kedua prosedur adalah bahwa dari pendekatan pertama, Anda membuat arsip terkompresi menggunakan perintah tar biasanya tersedia di Linux. Untuk mencapai efek yang sama pada Windows Anda harus menginstal utilitas kompresi seperti WinZip atau Compact (dari kit sumber daya).

 saya praktekkan seperti ini :

 saya buat folder backup di C,
 dan membuat file backup.bat yang berisi :

 Set dt = tanggal%: ~ 6,4% - tanggal%: ~ 3,2% - tanggal%: ~ 0,2%
       mysqldump-uUser1-pPassword1 - opt Database1> c:. \ backup \ Database1-%% dt sql
       mysqldump-uUser2-pPassword2 - opt Database2> c:. \ backup \ Database2-%% dt sql

 lalu saya buka cmd masuk ke direktori c:\backup\ lalu mengetikkan perintah :
 mysqldump-u [USERNAME]-p [MASUKKAN PASSWORD] - opt [NAMA DATABASE]> [BackupFile]
 dan di folder backup muncul file baru sesuai [NAMA DATABASE]

 begini yang dapat saya tangkap dari tutorial di atas...
 dan masih belum tahu apa cara saya benar....

 kalau ada yang punya pengalaman , mohon pencerahannya...

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