Cara menggunakan html pie chart generator

Chart.js is a cool open source JavaScript library that helps you render HTML5 charts. It is responsive and counts with 8 different chart types.

In this tutorial we are going to explore a little bit of how to make Django talk with Chart.js and render some simple charts based on data extracted from our models.


For this tutorial all you are going to do is add the Chart.js lib to your HTML page:

<script src="//"></script>

You can download it from Chart.js official website and use it locally, or you can use it from a CDN using the URL above.

Example Scenario

I’m going to use the same example I used for the tutorial How to Create Group By Queries With Django ORM which is a good complement to this tutorial because actually the tricky part of working with charts is to transform the data so it can fit in a bar chart / line chart / etc.

We are going to use the two models below, Country and City:

class Country(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30) class City(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30) country = models.ForeignKey(Country, on_delete=models.CASCADE) population = models.PositiveIntegerField()

And the raw data stored in the database:

1 Tokyo 28 36,923,000
2 Shanghai 13 34,000,000
3 Jakarta 19 30,000,000
4 Seoul 21 25,514,000
5 Guangzhou 13 25,000,000
6 Beijing 13 24,900,000
7 Karachi 22 24,300,000
8 Shenzhen 13 23,300,000
9 Delhi 25 21,753,486
10 Mexico City 24 21,339,781
11 Lagos 9 21,000,000
12 São Paulo 1 20,935,204
13 Mumbai 25 20,748,395
14 New York City 20 20,092,883
15 Osaka 28 19,342,000
16 Wuhan 13 19,000,000
17 Chengdu 13 18,100,000
18 Dhaka 4 17,151,925
19 Chongqing 13 17,000,000
20 Tianjin 13 15,400,000
21 Kolkata 25 14,617,882
22 Tehran 11 14,595,904
23 Istanbul 2 14,377,018
24 London 26 14,031,830
25 Hangzhou 13 13,400,000
26 Los Angeles 20 13,262,220
27 Buenos Aires 8 13,074,000
28 Xi'an 13 12,900,000
29 Paris 6 12,405,426
30 Changzhou 13 12,400,000
31 Shantou 13 12,000,000
32 Rio de Janeiro 1 11,973,505
33 Manila 18 11,855,975
34 Nanjing 13 11,700,000
35 Rhine-Ruhr 16 11,470,000
36 Jinan 13 11,000,000
37 Bangalore 25 10,576,167
38 Harbin 13 10,500,000
39 Lima 7 9,886,647
40 Zhengzhou 13 9,700,000
41 Qingdao 13 9,600,000
42 Chicago 20 9,554,598
43 Nagoya 28 9,107,000
44 Chennai 25 8,917,749
45 Bangkok 15 8,305,218
46 Bogotá 27 7,878,783
47 Hyderabad 25 7,749,334
48 Shenyang 13 7,700,000
49 Wenzhou 13 7,600,000
50 Nanchang 13 7,400,000
51 Hong Kong 13 7,298,600
52 Taipei 29 7,045,488
53 Dallas–Fort Worth 20 6,954,330
54 Santiago 14 6,683,852
55 Luanda 23 6,542,944
56 Houston 20 6,490,180
57 Madrid 17 6,378,297
58 Ahmedabad 25 6,352,254
59 Toronto 5 6,055,724
60 Philadelphia 20 6,051,170
61 Washington, D.C. 20 6,033,737
62 Miami 20 5,929,819
63 Belo Horizonte 1 5,767,414
64 Atlanta 20 5,614,323
65 Singapore 12 5,535,000
66 Barcelona 17 5,445,616
67 Munich 16 5,203,738
68 Stuttgart 16 5,200,000
69 Ankara 2 5,150,072
70 Hamburg 16 5,100,000
71 Pune 25 5,049,968
72 Berlin 16 5,005,216
73 Guadalajara 24 4,796,050
74 Boston 20 4,732,161
75 Sydney 10 5,000,500
76 San Francisco 20 4,594,060
77 Surat 25 4,585,367
78 Phoenix 20 4,489,109
79 Monterrey 24 4,477,614
80 Inland Empire 20 4,441,890
81 Rome 3 4,321,244
82 Detroit 20 4,296,611
83 Milan 3 4,267,946
84 Melbourne 10 4,650,000

1 Brazil
2 Turkey
3 Italy
4 Bangladesh
5 Canada
6 France
7 Peru
8 Argentina
9 Nigeria
10 Australia
11 Iran
12 Singapore
13 China
14 Chile
15 Thailand
16 Germany
17 Spain
18 Philippines
19 Indonesia
20 United States
21 South Korea
22 Pakistan
23 Angola
24 Mexico
25 India
26 United Kingdom
27 Colombia
28 Japan
29 Taiwan

Example 1: Pie Chart

For the first example we are only going to retrieve the top 5 most populous cities and render it as a pie chart. In this strategy we are going to return the chart data as part of the view context and inject the results in the JavaScript code using the Django Template language.

from django.shortcuts import render from mysite.core.models import City def pie_chart(request): labels = [] data = [] queryset = City.objects.order_by('-population')[:5] for city in queryset: labels.append( data.append(city.population) return render(request, 'pie_chart.html', { 'labels': labels, 'data': data, })

Basically in the view above we are iterating through the City queryset and building a list of labels and a list of data. Here in this case the data is the population count saved in the City model.

For the just a simple routing:

from django.urls import path from mysite.core import views urlpatterns = [ path('pie-chart/', views.pie_chart, name='pie-chart'), ]

Now the template. I got a basic snippet from the Chart.js Pie Chart Documentation.


{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} <div id="container" style="width: 75%;"> <canvas id="pie-chart"></canvas> </div> <script src="//"></script> <script> var config = { type: 'pie', data: { datasets: [{ data: {{ data|safe }}, backgroundColor: [ '#696969', '#808080', '#A9A9A9', '#C0C0C0', '#D3D3D3' ], label: 'Population' }], labels: {{ labels|safe }} }, options: { responsive: true } }; window.onload = function() { var ctx = document.getElementById('pie-chart').getContext('2d'); window.myPie = new Chart(ctx, config); }; </script> {% endblock %}

In the example above the base.html template is not important but you can see it in the code example I shared in the end of this post.

This strategy is not ideal but works fine. The bad thing is that we are using the Django Template Language to interfere with the JavaScript logic. When we put {{ data|safe}} we are injecting a variable that came from the server directly in the JavaScript code.

The code above looks like this:

Example 2: Bar Chart with Ajax

As the title says, we are now going to render a bar chart using an async call.

from django.shortcuts import render from django.db.models import Sum from django.http import JsonResponse from mysite.core.models import City def home(request): return render(request, 'home.html') def population_chart(request): labels = [] data = [] queryset = City.objects.values('country__name').annotate(country_population=Sum('population')).order_by('-country_population') for entry in queryset: labels.append(entry['country__name']) data.append(entry['country_population']) return JsonResponse(data={ 'labels': labels, 'data': data, })

So here we are using two views. The home view would be the main page where the chart would be loaded at. The other view population_chart would be the one with the sole responsibility to aggregate the data the return a JSON response with the labels and data.

If you are wondering about what this queryset is doing, it is grouping the cities by the country and aggregating the total population of each country. The result is going to be a list of country + total population. To learn more about this kind of query have a look on this post: How to Create Group By Queries With Django ORM

from django.urls import path from mysite.core import views urlpatterns = [ path('', views.home, name='home'), path('population-chart/', views.population_chart, name='population-chart'), ]


{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} <div id="container" style="width: 75%;"> <canvas id="population-chart" data-url="{% url 'population-chart' %}"></canvas> </div> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script> $(function () { var $populationChart = $("#population-chart"); $.ajax({ url: $"url"), success: function (data) { var ctx = $populationChart[0].getContext("2d"); new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: data.labels, datasets: [{ label: 'Population', backgroundColor: 'blue', data: }] }, options: { responsive: true, legend: { position: 'top', }, title: { display: true, text: 'Population Bar Chart' } } }); } }); }); </script> {% endblock %}

Now we have a better separation of concerns. Looking at the chart container:

<canvas id="population-chart" data-url="{% url 'population-chart' %}"></canvas>

We added a reference to the URL that holds the chart rendering logic. Later on we are using it to execute the Ajax call.

var $populationChart = $("#population-chart"); $.ajax({ url: $"url"), success: function (data) { // ... } });

Inside the success callback we then finally execute the Chart.js related code using the JsonResponse data.


I hope this tutorial helped you to get started with working with charts using Chart.js. I published another tutorial on the same subject a while ago but using the Highcharts library. The approach is pretty much the same: How to Integrate Highcharts.js with Django.

If you want to grab the code I used in this tutorial you can find it here:

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