Cara menggunakan declare variable mysql

This tutorial describes how to declare a variable (like user-defined, local, and system vars) in MySQL. We’ll tell you the complete syntax and provide simple examples for clarity.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Declare a User-defined Variable
  • 2. Local Variable Declaration
  • 3. Declare System Variables
  • How do you DECLARE a variable inside a procedure in MySQL?
  • How do you DECLARE a variable in a procedure?
  • How do I assign a variable in MySQL?
  • What is DECLARE in stored procedure?

MySQL puts up the below three ways:

1. Declare a user-defined variable
2. Declare a local variable
3. Declare a system variable

Let’s start with looking at all of them one by one.

There are primarily three types of variables in MySQL. And each has its specific way to provide a declaration.

1. Declare a User-defined Variable

In MySQL, we can use the SET statement to declare a variable and also for initialization. After setting the value, it is accessible from anywhere in the script.

An user-defined variable always begins with the @ sign. See the syntax below:

mysql> SET @my_var1 = expr1 [, @my_var2 = expr2] ...

While initializing the variable, we can use either a “=” or “:=” sign for assignment. However, it is better not to mix instead go with one convention only.

A user variable name is an alpha-numeric and can have characters like (., _, $). We can even have a hyphen (-) if we enclose the name in quotes, for example – @”my-var1″.

An alternative way to declare variables is by using the SELECT statement.

mysql> SELECT @my_var1, @my_var2, @my_var3;

Since we’ve not assigned any value, so the variables will assume NULL values. After running the above statement, the output is:

+----------+----------+----------+ | @my_var1 | @my_var2 | @my_var3 | +----------+----------+----------+ | NULL | NULL | NULL | +----------+----------+----------+

We can write a user variable name independent of its case. It means in uppercase or lowercase or a combination.

But, the variables have a limited length and can’t go beyond 64 characters. Also, we can store the values of the following types:

Data types: integer, decimal, floating-point, binary or nonbinary string, or NULL value


You can check out how we declare a variable using the SET statement. Also, we used the SELECT command to print the value.

SET @web_site = ''; SELECT @web_site; SET @"web-site" = ''; SELECT @"web-site";

After executing the above commands, the result is:

1 MySQL Workbench

Find out another example:

create table Test(id integer, title varchar(100)); insert into Test(id, title) values(1, "MySQL Workbench"); select * from Test; -- Your code here! SET @countTotal = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Test); SELECT "@countTotal =", @countTotal;

After running the above statements, you get this result:

1 MySQL Workbench @countTotal = 1

2. Local Variable Declaration

We define local variables in a program like stored procedures. MySQL provides the DECLARE statement to specify such a variable.

Also, we can combine it with the DEFAULT clause to assign some initial value. Otherwise, a local variable is NULL.

You can apply the following syntax to set up a local variable:

DECLARE my_var1 [, my_var2] ... type [DEFAULT value]

We should declare them before the cursor as MySQL treats them like stored proc parameters. Moreover, local variables are also independent of the case. Also, they follow the same naming rules as the user-defined ones do.

Note:- You can use DECLARE only inside a BEGIN … END block statement.

After reading the above explanation, you can run the below example.


In this example, you see a stored procedure which performs addition operation. It also makes use of four local variables.


After running this example, the result comes as:

1 MySQL Workbench 99 75 84 258

3. Declare System Variables

Let’s now learn to declare a MySQL system variable.

The MySQL server provides a bunch of system variables and sets them to a default value. They are GLOBAL, SESSION, or MIX types.

Global vars – These persist during the lifecycle of the server.

Session vars – These remain active only for particular client sessions.

Moreover, we can observe the current status of a running server. The SHOW VARIABLES command or SELECT @@var_name does the needful.

Here is the example to fetch variables of the running MySQL instance.

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%wait_timeout%'; SELECT @@sort_buffer_size;

After running these, the result comes as:

1 MySQL Workbench innodb_lock_wait_timeout 50 lock_wait_timeout 31536000 wait_timeout 28800 262144

However, you can even set the system variables. See the examples given below:

-- Syntax to Declare/Set a Global variable SET GLOBAL sort_buffer_size = 500000; SET @@global.sort_buffer_size = 500000; -- Syntax to Declare/Set a Session variable SET sort_buffer_size = 500000; SET SESSION sort_buffer_size = 500000; SET @@sort_buffer_size = 500000; SET @@local.sort_buffer_size = 5000;

We hope that after reading this tutorial, you should feel comfortable in concepts like “Declare Variable in MySQL.” However, you may practice more with examples to gain confidence.

Also, if you aspire to be a DBA or a test engineer, then you should read our step by step MySQL tutorial to learn SQL from depth.

How do you DECLARE a variable inside a procedure in MySQL?

To declare a variable inside a stored procedure, you use the DECLARE statement as follows:.

DECLARE variable_name datatype(size) [DEFAULT default_value]; ... .

DECLARE totalSale DEC(10,2) DEFAULT 0.0; ... .


SET variable_name = value; ... .

DECLARE total INT DEFAULT 0; SET total = 10;.

How do you DECLARE a variable in a procedure?

Variables in SQL procedures are defined by using the DECLARE statement. Values can be assigned to variables using the SET statement or the SELECT INTO statement or as a default value when the variable is declared. Literals, expressions, the result of a query, and special register values can be assigned to variables.

How do I assign a variable in MySQL?

MySQL variable assignment There are two ways to assign a value to a user-defined variable. You can use either := or = as the assignment operator in the SET statement. For example, the statement assigns number 100 to the variable @counter. The second way to assign a value to a variable is to use the SELECT statement.

What is DECLARE in stored procedure?

The DECLARE statement initializes a variable by assigning it a name and a data type. The variable name must start with the @ sign. In this example, the data type of the @model_year variable is SMALLINT . By default, when a variable is declared, its value is set to NULL .

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