Can not connect mysql workbench?

Before running the commands shown on this page, you should load the Bitnami stack environment by executing the installdir/use_APPNAME script (Linux and MacOS) or by clicking the shortcut in the Start Menu under “Start -> Bitnami APPNAME Stack -> Application console” (Windows). On OS X VMs, the installation directory is /opt/bitnami and OS X VM users can click the “Open Terminal” button to run commands. Learn more about the Bitnami stack environment and about OS X VMs.

NOTE: We are in the process of modifying the configuration for many Bitnami stacks. On account of these changes, the file paths and commands stated in this guide may change depending on whether your Bitnami stack uses MySQL or MariaDB.

Linux and macOS native installer users can identify which database server is used in the stack by running the command below:

$ test -d installdir/mariadb && echo "MariaDB" || echo "MySQL"

Windows native installer users can identify which database server is used in the stack by checking for the presence of the installdir/mariadb directory. If present, the installer uses MariaDB and if not, it uses MySQL.

Depending on which database server (MySQL or MariaDB) is used by the installation, use the appropriate guides in our documentation for database-related operations.

NOTE: This section assumes that you have downloaded and installed MySQL Workbench.

To connect to your remote MySQL database server using MySQL Workbench, you have to allow remote connections to the server.

Once your MySQL server is configured to accept remote connections, you can connect to it using MySQL Workbench. Follow these steps:

  • Launch MySQL Workbench.

  • Click the “+” symbol in the “MySQL Connections” tab to add a new connection.

  • Configure the connection as follows:

    • Enter a name for the connection in the “Connection Name” field.

    • Select “Standard (TCP/IP)” as the “Connection Type”.

    • Enter your server’s IP address in the “Hostname” field.

    • Specify the “Port” as “3306”.

    • Specify the “Username” as “root”.

  • Click “Test Connection” to test the connection.

  • If the connection is successful, click “OK” to save the connection.

  • Double-click the new connection to launch the MySQL Workbench SQL Editor. You may be prompted for a password. Use the same password you used when previously configuring the server to accept remote connections. Once connected, the SQL editor window will open and you can interact with the server using SQL commands, as shown below:

The hard data first:
Local machine: Xubuntu 17.10, with MySql-Workbench 6.3
Remote Machine: Ubuntu 16.04, with MySql-Client 5.7 and MySql-Server 5.7

The connection method is: Standard TCP/IP over SSH

The error:

Your connection attempt failed for user 'root' from your host to server at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

Then it gives me a list with things to check.

1 Check that mysql is running on server


2 Check that mysql is running on port 3306


3 Check the root has rights to connect to from your address

I checked the mysql.user table and it says that root has the host: localhost and since MySql-Workbench does an ssh connect to the remote machine and then connects to the MySql-Server, localhost should be fine.
Nonetheless I tried setting the host to % as a wildcard but that didn't change anything either so I switched back to default localhost. I also checked the my.cnf. That is the entire content of it:

# # The MySQL database server configuration file. # # You can copy this to one of: # - "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" to set global options, # - "~/.my.cnf" to set user-specific options. # # One can use all long options that the program supports. # Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with # --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use. # # For explanations see # // # # * IMPORTANT: Additional settings that can override those from this file! # The files must end with '.cnf', otherwise they'll be ignored. # !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/ !includedir /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/

There is no bind-address or skip-networking directive set.

4 Make sure you are both providing a password if needed and using the correct password for connecting from the host address you're connecting from

Password and stuff is all fine. Passwords are set, they are typed correctly when logging in.

When I do, what Workbench is supposed to do

  • ssh to the remote machine (ssh user@remotemachine)
  • login to mysql server (mysql -u root -p)

It works flawlessly I just can't do via MySql-Workbench

Help is much appreciated because I already tried everything I was able to research.

Can't connect to MySQL server on workbench?

Check the root has rights to connect to 127.0. 0.1 from your address (mysql rights define what clients can connect to the server and from which machines) Make sure you are both providing a password if needed and using the correct password for 127.0. 0.1 connecting from the host address you're connecting from.

Why MySQL database is not connecting?

normally means that there is no MySQL server running on the system or that you are using an incorrect Unix socket file name or TCP/IP port number when trying to connect to the server. You should also check that the TCP/IP port you are using has not been blocked by a firewall or port blocking service.

How do I connect to MySQL server in workbench?

Follow these steps:.
Launch MySQL Workbench..
Click the “+” symbol in the “MySQL Connections” tab to add a new connection..
Configure the connection as follows: ... .
Click “Test Connection” to test the connection..
If the connection is successful, click “OK” to save the connection..

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