Berapa harga spawner zombie di wheelcraft

Zombies are common undead hostile mobs that deal melee damage and attack in groups.


Natural generation[]

In the Overworld, zombies can spawn in groups of 4 on any solid block at a light level of 0, except in mushroom fields and deep dark biomes.

In deserts, all zombies exposed to the sky have an 80%‌[JE only]/70%‌[BE only] chance to be replaced by husks. Zombies that are not husks or drowned have a 5% chance to spawn as zombie villagers.

Zombie variants have a 5% chance to spawn as babies. In Java Edition, the baby zombies also have a 5% chance of spawning as a chicken jockey.

All zombie variants (including babies) require a 2-block tall space to spawn.

A zombie can also spawn from a husk that drowns in water, but converts to a drowned if its head remains submerged.

Zombies spawn with up to 5% of knockback resistance.

When a zombie spawn egg is used on a zombie, it spawns a baby zombie.


If a player is near a village at midnight, up to 20 zombies may be spawned in the village in accordance with mob spawning rules. The spawning can even happen in Mushroom Fields biome, if the triggering player is in an adjacent biome. Zombies spawned as a part of a siege are always normal zombies; zombie villagers, husks and drowned never spawn as a part of a siege.


Zombies spawn from spawners inside 50% of dungeons.


Baby zombies[]

Baby zombie riding a chicken.


Baby zombies make up 5% of zombie spawns. They behave similarly to regular zombies, with the following differences:

  • They are much faster than normal zombies, yet they have the same health.
  • The noises they make are higher-pitched than adult zombie sound effects.
  • If a baby zombie is riding a mob that is also rideable by a player, that mob becomes un-rideable by any player.‌[BE only]
  • Baby zombie villagers turn into baby villagers if cured.
  • Worn armor shrinks to fit their body size.
  • They are able to fit through 1×1 block gaps.
  • They give 12 experience points when killed by the player or a tamed wolf instead of 5.
  • Unlike most other baby mobs, they remain babies indefinitely and never become adult zombies.
  • They have a decreased hitbox size.
  • A baby zombie has a 15% chance to become a jockey when it tries attacking.‌[BE only]

A baby zombie riding a chicken is known as a chicken jockey. There is a chance it could also be wearing armor, have a sword, or have both armor and a sword while riding a chicken jockey. It can even be a baby zombie villager riding a chicken jockey.

In Bedrock Edition, a baby zombie can ride:

  • Cow
  • Ocelot
  • Untamed Cat
  • Untamed Wolf
  • Mooshroom
  • Adult Chicken (the only jockey that is in use in Java Edition)
  • Pig
  • Panda
  • Sheep
  • Horse
  • Donkey
  • Mule
  • Zombie Horse (unused jockey variant)
  • Skeleton Horse
  • Adult Zombie
  • Adult Zombie Villager
  • Adult Husk
  • Adult Zombified Piglin (unused)
  • Spider
  • Cave spider

The jockey mobs ridden by the baby zombie adapt the speed of its rider.

Zombie villagers[]

Zombie villagers have a 5% chance of spawning in place of zombies, and may also spawn from a villager killed by a zombie. The chance of a villager turning into a zombie villager when killed by a zombie or zombie variant depends on the difficulty level. Zombies spawned from a spawner are never zombie villagers in Java Edition, although zombie spawners in Bedrock Edition are able to produce them.

Any villagers that got killed by a zombie has a chance to turn into a zombie villager with armor on harder difficulties.

They can be cured back into villagers using a weakness potion and a golden apple.


Main article: Husk

Husks often spawn in desert biomes in place of zombies. They attack like regular zombies, but inflict hunger for several seconds and do not burn in sunlight.


Drowned spawn in rivers, most parts of oceans or when a normal zombie drowns. They are able to swim and breathe underwater as well as walk on land. Most drowned use melee attacks, but some spawn with tridents and throw them when attacking instead.

Zombies that are wearing armor and go underwater continue wearing the armor when converted to a drowned, although tools and weapons are lost.‌[JE only]

Zombies that convert to drowned drop all worn or held equipment with full durability and preserving existing enchantments.‌[BE only]

Geared zombies[]

Some zombies spawn wearing armor or holding tools, both of which may be enchanted. In addition, zombies may also spawn with the ability to pick up loot that is on the ground. The chances of each of these events occurring are listed below. Zombie villagers can also spawn naturally with armor, weapons or tools. If a zombie spawns wearing multiple pieces of armor, the armor is never mismatched (i.e. all pieces are made of the same material). Zombies cannot naturally spawn with netherite armor.

Chances of zombies wearing or picking up armor, per difficulty Easy Normal Hard
Can Pick Up Loot 0% 0%-55%[note 1] 6.875%-55%[note 1]
Armor 0% 0%-15%[note 1] 1.875%-15%[note 1]
Armor Enchantment[note 2] 0% 0-50%[note 1] 6.25%-50%[note 1]
Weapon[note 3] 1% 1% 5%
Weapon Enchantment[note 2] 0% 0%-25%[note 1] 3.125%-25%[note 1]

  1. ↑ a b c d e f g h i Value is based on the regional difficulty.
  2. ↑ a b Enchantment is the same as on an enchantment table at level 5–22.[note 1]
  3. 1⁄3 chance of an iron sword, 2⁄3 chance of an iron shovel

If a zombie does spawn with armor, the chances of specific armor are as follows:

Java Edition:

Chances of different armor pieces, per difficulty Armor Easy & Normal Hard
Boots 100% 100%
Boots & Leggings 75% 90%
Boots & Leggings & Chestplate 56.25% 81%
Full set 42.19% 72.9%

Bedrock Edition:

Chances of different armor pieces, per difficulty Armor Easy & Normal Hard
Helmet 100% 100%
Helmet & Chestplate 75% 90%
Helmet & Chestplate & Leggings 56.25% 81%
Full set 42.19% 72.9%

The chances of it being of a particular material are:

Chances of different armor types Armor Type Chance
Leather 37.06%
Gold 48.73%
Chain 12.90%
Iron 1.27%
Diamond 0.04%

Armor worn by zombies is not damaged from most damage sources, which means it cannot "wear out" the way player armor does. Helmets (not blocks like pumpkins) on zombies can eventually wear away and break if the zombie is exposed to daylight or has an anvil or other falling block dropped on its head. Zombies also have a natural armor rating of 2 (

), giving 1.6 - 8%‌[JE only]/8%‌[BE only] damage reduction from most sources. Zombies can also wear mob heads, although they need to be dropped by the player before the zombie can pick one up and put it on.

Any zombie that spawns with equipment gives 1–3 extra experience points per item when killed.

On Halloween, zombies may spawn wearing a carved pumpkin or jack o'lantern. They do not drop this, even when killed with Looting.


Zombies drop 0–2 rotten flesh after dying. The maximum drop is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III.

They can also drop one of the following when killed by a player or tamed wolf:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Carrot
  • Potato (baked potato when killed with fire‌[JE only])

This drop has a 2.5% chance of occurring, increasing by 1% per level of looting. Individual items have the following chances of dropping:

  • 5⁄600 (about 0.83%)
  • 7⁄600 (about 1.17%) with Looting I
  • 9⁄600 (1.5%) with Looting II
  • 11⁄600 (about 1.83%) with Looting III

A zombie also drops azombie head when killed by a charged creeper.

Any picked-up equipment has a 100% chance of dropping and drops without changing the damage that has accumulated on it.

Naturally-spawned equipment[]

  • Iron Shovel (sometimes enchanted)
  • Iron Sword (sometimes enchanted)
  • Random Armor (sometimes enchanted, made from leather, gold, chainmail, iron, or diamond)

Zombies have an 8.5% chance of dropping their naturally-spawned equipment and drop it with a random durability. Each level of Looting increases the chance by 1 percentage point (11.5% with Looting III).


Adult zombies drop 5 and an additional 1–3 per naturally-spawned equipment if killed by player or tamed wolf. Baby zombies drop 12 and an additional 1–3 per naturally-spawned equipment if killed by player or tamed wolf.


Attacking the player[]

Zombies and other hostile mobs can inflict damage through closed doors.

Zombies spawn in groups of 4 and pursue the player on sight from 35 blocks away, raising their arms up‌[JE only], as opposed to 16 blocks for other hostile mobs.

The detection range of zombies is reduced to half of their normal range (17.5 blocks) when the player is wearing a zombie mob head.

Zombies periodically make groaning sounds, which can be heard up to 16 blocks away. Zombies attempt to avoid obstacles, including fall damage, fire, lava, magma blocks, cactus and try to find the shortest path toward the player.[1] Unlike skeletons, zombies do not try to avoid being hit and continue to pursue the player even when being attacked. Zombies can sometimes deal damage through a closed wooden or iron door.

If a zombie sees a player and a villager together, the zombie prefers to attack the player first. A zombie already chasing a villager continues to do so even if the player is near, until the player attacks it.

Zombies sink in water, facilitating their transformation into drowned.

Burning under daylight[]

At dawn, generally when the sun is 15 degrees or more above the ground (when the moon can no longer be seen), zombie variants except for husks and zombified piglins burn once exposed to direct sunlight. Burning is suppressed when the zombie is:

  • in a sufficiently shaded area: a sunlight level of 11 or less (a 1 block roof overhang provides sufficient protection even if it would have a sunlight level of 14);
  • in water;
  • wearing head armor (the helmet absorbs the damage from light but may take several day cycles to wear out completely).
  • under the status effect of Fire Resistance.
  • standing in cobwebs.[2]

Transparent and translucent blocks, including glass and ice, do not prevent them from burning.‌[JE only].

Zombies attempt to seek out shade during the day or enter water sources to protect themselves from burning up, but they leave protective areas to chase an enemy.

If they attack an entity while burning, they may set it on fire, with a (30×regional difficulty)% chance, and with a 2×floor (regional difficulty) second duration. If wearing armor enchanted with Thorns while burning they may set players attacking them on fire with thorns damage alone.


Zombies are undead mobs, harmed by the status effect Healing, healed by the status effect Instant Damage and are unaffected by Regeneration and Poison. The wither does not attack zombies. Zombies are affected by the Smite enchantment.

Picking up items[]

Some zombies are capable of automatically picking up dropped items that they come across. Mob heads and carved pumpkins are automatically worn on their heads. Zombies can use armor, weapons or tools. If a zombie encounters another similar item, it may drop the previous item in favor of the new one, if:

  • the new item is armor or a sword and the old item was not (for example, zombies prefer swords to pickaxes and helmets to carved pumpkins),
  • both items are armor/swords and the new item is better damage-wise (reduces higher damage for armor, or inflicts more damage for swords),
  • both items are armor/swords with the same damage reduction/infliction, the new item has NBT tags while the old does not or the new item is more damaged than the old item, or
  • both items are bows and the new item has NBT tags while the old does not.

Items dropped by mobs in exchange for another cannot be picked up by players or mobs for 10 game ticks (0.5 seconds, barring lag), but can be picked up by hoppers.

A zombie holding a picked-up item does not despawn when left alone.

Zombies have a higher chance of being able to pick up items in hard mode.

Picked-up items do not cause the zombie to drop more experience when killed, unlike naturally-spawned gear.

Attacking villagers[]

Zombies target villagers within 42 blocks, and they can always see villagers through walls.

  • If a zombie is attacking a villager and sees the player, it interrupts its attack on the villager to attack the player instead, even if the player has not attacked it‌[JE only].
  • Once a zombie has targeted a villager, the zombie ignores any other villagers and the player, until its target is dead or the zombie is attacked‌[JE only].

Any zombie variant can transform a villager into a zombie villager. The probability depends on the difficulty:

  • 0% chance in Peaceful (no zombies spawn) and Easy
  • 50% chance in Normal
  • 100% chance in Hardcore‌[JE only] or Hard

Attacking wandering traders[]

Zombies target wandering traders within 35 blocks and can see traders through walls. The zombie focuses solely on the trader unless it's attacked, or if either it or the target is killed or moved out of range, or if the trader is under the invisibility status effect.

A zombie breaking down a wooden oak door. The zombie can break only the top half of the door, not the bottom half.

Breaking doors[]

A zombie choosing to break the door down instead of taking an alternative path.

Up to 10% of zombies (depending on regional difficulty) in pursuit of a target bang on closed wooden doors and on Hard (and Hardcore) difficulty can succeed in breaking them down. Otherwise, the door cracks but does not break.

The zombie also breaks down the door if the door is blocking its way.

Zombies can break only the top half of a door, meaning they cannot break a door if the zombie is facing the bottom half of the door.[more information needed]

Attacking utility mobs[]

Zombies pursue and attack utility mobs (golems) within 42 blocks. Iron golems and snow golems attack zombies without provocation, although snow golems deal only knockback to zombies with their snowballs.


On all difficulty levels, damaged zombie mobs (including husks, drowned and even zombified piglins[3]) call all other zombies within a 67×21×67 to 111×21×111 area[n 1] centered on the attacked zombie to target the attacker.

In Java Edition, on Hard difficulty, zombies can spawn additional zombies to "help" when damaged. Each zombie has a "likeliness to call reinforcements" statistic ranging from 0–10%, and "leader" zombies (0–5% depending on regional difficulty) get a bonus of 50–75 percentage points to the stat. When the zombie is damaged by an entity or is damaged while targeting an entity, up to 50 attempts are made to randomly choose a spawn location (0 or ±7–40 blocks away in all three axes) that is above a block with a solid top surface, has light level 0, has no players within 7 blocks, and has no colliding entities or blocks at which to spawn the reinforcement. Both the damaged zombie and the new zombie has a 5 percentage point penalty to their "likeliness to call reinforcement" stat, preventing infinite zombies from spawning this way. Zombie reinforcements can spawn even in locations where naturally spawned zombies can't spawn, like mushroom biomes, The End, and Nether biomes.[4], although they still cannot spawn on blocks where other items like redstone dust or pressure plates are placed.

These effects can be negated by killing the zombie in as few hits as possible, by using environmental damage such as cactus or lava, or by avoiding them completely. That is, if the zombified mob drops experience, it has a chance to spawn reinforcements. Additionally, reinforcements do not spawn at all, even on Hard difficulty, if /gamerule doMobSpawning is set to false.

Leader zombies are a special type of zombie that spawn with an added 50-75% chance to spawn reinforcements. The chance of a leader zombie spawning increases with clamped regional difficulty, up to a 5% chance of spawning.

Reinforcements zombies spawn regardless of the hostile mob cap. They also spawn on the north-west corner of the designated block, instead of the center of the block like natural mob spawning does.[5]

Attacking turtles[]

Zombies attack baby turtles and actively seek out and destroy turtle eggs within 24 blocks horizontally and 3 blocks vertically, by jumping on them until they crack and break.

Becoming drowned[]

A husk that suffocates in water converts to a zombie.

A zombie that suffocates in water converts into a drowned.

If a zombie's head (the legs don't work) is submerged in water for 30 seconds, it begins converting into a drowned. The zombie shakes, similar to a zombie villager being cured and, after 15 seconds, the zombie becomes drowned. Once this process starts, it cannot be stopped. This time is not affected by the Respiration enchantment.

A newly-converted drowned always has full health even if converted from a damaged zombie.

An item being held or worn by a zombie when it becomes drowned, whether it was picked up or naturally spawned, has a 100% drop rate, which includes any naturally spawned equipment dropping with full durability‌[BE only].

Only normal zombies can become drowned; zombie villagers and zombified piglins cannot be converted.[6] Husks, however, convert into zombies if they drown, and then this zombie converts into a drowned as does a normal zombie.

Same as above, any husks that convert into zombies also has full health, even when the drowned husk was damaged.


Java Edition:
Zombies use the Hostile Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
// Zombie groans Hostile Creatures Randomly entity.zombie.ambient subtitles.entity.zombie.ambient ? ? 16
// Door shakes Hostile Creatures While a zombie is breaking a wooden door entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door subtitles.entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door ? ? 16
// Block broken None Unused sound event[sound 1] entity.zombie.attack_iron_door subtitles.block.generic.break None None None
// Door breaks Hostile Creatures When a zombie breaks a wooden door entity.zombie.break_wooden_door subtitles.entity.zombie.break_wooden_door ? ? 16
// Zombie converts to drowned Hostile Creatures When a zombie converts to a drowned entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned subtitles.entity.zombie.convert_to_drowned ? ? 16
// Zombie dies Hostile Creatures When a zombie dies entity.zombie.death subtitles.entity.zombie.death ? ? 16
// Zombie hurts Hostile Creatures When a zombie is damaged entity.zombie.hurt subtitles.entity.zombie.hurt ? ? 16
// Turtle Egg stomped Hostile Creatures When a zombie is jumping on turtle eggs entity.zombie.destroy_egg subtitles.entity.zombie.destroy_egg ? ? 16
// Zombie infects Hostile Creatures When a zombie infects a villager entity.zombie.infect subtitles.entity.zombie.infect ? ? 16
// Footsteps Hostile Creatures While a zombie is walking entity.zombie.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps ? ? 16

  1. "[MC-218122] Unused sound event: minecraft:entity.zombie.attack_iron_door - Jira" – Mojira, March 8, 2021.

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
// Hostile Creatures Randomly mob.zombie.say 1.0 0.8-1.2
// Hostile Creatures While a zombie is breaking a wooden door mob.zombie.wood 1.0 1.0
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie breaks a wooden door mob.zombie.woodbreak 1.0 1.0
// Hostile Creatures Unused sound event[sound 1] entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned 1.0 1.0
None None Unused sound event[sound 1] mob.zombie.converted_to_drowned 1.0-2.0 0.3-1.0
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie dies mob.zombie.death 1.0 0.8-1.2
// Hostile Creatures When a zombie is damaged mob.zombie.hurt 1.0 0.8-1.2
// Players When a zombie is jumping on turtle eggs fall.egg 0.5 0.9-1.0
// Hostile Creatures While a zombie is walking mob.zombie.step 0.45 1.0

  1. ↑ a b MCPE-53297

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Zombie zombie entity.minecraft.zombie

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Zombie zombie 32

Entity data[]

Zombie have entity data associated with them that contains various properties.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS4)PS4Other
Monster Hunter Attack and kill a monster. Kill a hostile mob or one of the following neutral mobs: an enderman, a piglin, a zombified piglin, a spider, or a cave spider. 15G Bronze
Sound the Alarm! Ring the bell with a hostile enemy in the village. 20G Bronze


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Adventure, exploration, and combat Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity. adventure/root
Monster Hunter
Kill any hostile monster Adventure Kill one of these 34 mobs:

  • Blaze
  • Cave Spider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Elder Guardian
  • Ender Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Evoker
  • Ghast
  • Guardian
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Magma Cube
  • Phantom
  • Piglin
  • Piglin Brute
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Shulker
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • Spider
  • Stray
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zoglin
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombified Piglin

Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. Only the riders of the chicken jockeys and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.
Monsters Hunted
Kill one of every hostile monster Monster Hunter Kill each of these 34 mobs:

  • Blaze
  • Cave Spider
  • Creeper
  • Drowned
  • Elder Guardian
  • Ender Dragon
  • Enderman
  • Endermite
  • Evoker
  • Ghast
  • Guardian
  • Hoglin
  • Husk
  • Magma Cube
  • Phantom
  • Piglin
  • Piglin Brute
  • Pillager
  • Ravager
  • Shulker
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • Spider
  • Stray
  • Vex
  • Vindicator
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zoglin
  • Zombie
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombified Piglin

Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. Only the riders of the chicken jockeys and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.


Java Edition ClassicJune 17, 2009August 14, 20090.24_SURVIVAL_TEST0.25 SURVIVAL TESTJava Edition Indev0.3120091223-12010020220100204-2201002132010021820100219Java Edition Beta1.8Pre-release Java Edition1.0.0Beta 1.9 PrereleaseBeta 1.9 Prerelease 41.2.112w03a12w04a12w06a12w07a1.4.2?12w32a12w34a12w34b12w36a12w37a12w38a1.513w03a1.6.113w17a13w21a13w23b1.6.2pre1.7.213w36a13w42a1.7.413w49a1.814w11a14w30a1.8.1pre11.915w32a15w33c15w34a15w36a1.10pre11.1116w32a1.1318w07a18w10d18w11a18w21b1.1418w43a19w05a1.1519w37a1.1721w13a1.17.1Pre-release 11.18Experimental Snapshot 121w39a21w40aPocket Edition Alphav0.2.0v0.4.0v0.5.0v0.7.3v0.8.0build 2v0.9.0build 1v0.9.4v0.11.0build 1v0.12.1build 1v0.14.0build 1v0.16.0?Bedrock Edition1.4.0beta Console EditionTU1CU1 1.00 Patch 11.0.1TU5TU12TU15 1.05 TU19CU7 1.12 TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3TU60CU51 1.64 Patch 301.0.11TU69 1.76 Patch 38 1.83 1.91 New Nintendo 3DS Edition0.1.0Minecraft Earth0.2.0
Notch mentions lava zombies or troll infestations that would roam the land and break things.
Notch teased zombies.
Added zombies.
Zombies are the second mob to be added to Minecraft.
Zombies can run as fast as the player.
Zombies occasionally appear wearing armor, but this has no protective effect on their health.
Zombies have arm swinging animations when they attack.[7]
Killing a zombie rewards 100 points.
Zombies are now more dangerous, respawn, despawn, and fight skeletons that shoot them.
Zombies and other mobs no longer spawn naturally.
Zombies and other mobs now spawn naturally again. However, they are currently passive.
Zombies' armor has been removed, as well as their arm swinging attack animations.
Zombies are now hostile again.
Zombies now catch on fire when exposed to sunlight.
The chances of zombies catching on fire in sunlight have been tweaked.
Zombies now burn only when the sunlight level is greater than 7, and not due to torches at night[verify].
Zombies now drop 0–2 feathers upon death. Before chickens were added in Minecraft, Notch confessed[8] that he made zombies drop feathers because he had no idea what they should have dropped when killed.
Zombies now drop rotten flesh instead of feathers.
All mobs have the bottom texture of the face flipped, resulting in a change in the model.
Zombies can now be harmed by splash potions of healing, and healed by splash potions of harming.
Zombies have now become immune to poison and regeneration.
The zombies' AI has been improved, giving them a much better sense of direction when pursuing the player, allowing them to navigate obstacles, and even small mazes if constructed, to get to the player.
Zombies have been given the ability to 'see' through windows, the first mob able to do so intelligently (not counting spiders, who are able to see through all blocks).
The zombies' AI has been improved again to cope with catching fire in sunlight. If a zombie is exposed to sunlight and bursts into flames, it searches for a body of water to douse the flames or at least a shelter to hide from sun, unless in pursuit of a player.
Zombies now chase and attack villagers, attack doors (breaking them on Hard and Hardcore difficulties).
Zombies now sometimes drop iron ingots, helmets, shovels and swords as a rare drop.
Zombies now sometimes attack villagers in preference to the player, and always chose the shortest way to the target, even if there is a door in the way.
The drop rate of rare drops for zombies have been reduced.
Added baby zombies.
Baby zombies cannot spawn naturally and can be spawned only through map editors and NBT editing.
Zombie armor has been added back into the game, and they can now wear any type of armor.
Zombies can now hold an iron sword or iron shovel.
Zombies now have a chance of dropping these items, if they have them.
Iron helmets, swords and shovels have been removed as rare drops from zombies.
Zombies now use their attack animation like they did in Survival Test. This shows only when a zombie is holding a weapon. When a zombie holds a weapon the damage it does is equal to the damage the player would do with the weapon added to the normal damage of the zombie.
Armor worn by zombies now work the same as it does for the player, each piece gives a certain amount of armor points, where each 1 (
) gives 4% damage reduction, but the total damage reduction is limited to 80%.
5% of zombies now spawn as zombie villagers.
Villagers now become infected when killed by a zombie.
When a zombie infects a baby villager, it now creates a baby zombie villager, which is faster than a normal zombie and does not age.
Zombies now have two new rare drops – carrots and potatoes.
Zombies can now pick up and equip dropped items.[9][10] If killed, the zombie drops the item it is holding.
Zombies can now survive in sunlight, if they are wearing a helmet or a pumpkin.[11]
The zombie and zombie pigmen models and texture layouts have been changed (no visual change, but breaks texture packs).
On Halloween, zombies and baby zombies can now spawn wearing pumpkins or jack o'lanterns.
Zombies have been given new sounds.
Zombies are now able to set the player on fire, if they are on fire and they attack the player.
Zombies can now call other zombies from the nearby area (radius dependent on difficulty) to attack the player, making packs of zombies approach shortly after damaging the zombie.
Zombies now cause more damage when their health is lower.
When damaged, zombies now have a low chance to spawn more zombies.
Zombie damage increasing with decreasing health has been removed.
Zombie AI and mechanics have been changed – this has now made them much more horde-like.
Zombies are now able to detect the player up to 40 blocks.
Baby zombies now spawn among regular zombies, with the same percentage of spawning as zombie villagers.
Baby zombies now drop loot and experience.
Zombies now have up to 10% chance to succeed at breaking wooden doors on Hard mode.
Added chicken jockeys – a rare version of the baby zombie.
Zombies now run away from creepers that are about to explode.
Zombies now drop their head when killed by a charged creeper.
Zombies no longer run away from creepers that are about to explode.
The detection range of zombies is now halved when the player is wearing a zombie mob head.
The detection range for players wearing the zombie mob head has been adjusted, now 37.5% of the normal range.
Zombies now have an attack animation similar to the one they had in Survival Test, even without weapons.
The detection range for players wearing the zombie mob head has been changed to 50% of the normal range again.
The chance of a zombie setting its target on fire when burning, and the duration of the effect, now depend on raw regional difficulty.
Entity ID Zombie is now zombie, zombie_villager and husk for those respective mobs.
Removed the ZombieType, IsVillager tag, added the Profession tag to zombie_villager only, and made ConversionTime apply to zombie_villager only.
Zombies now intentionally stomp on turtle eggs and attack baby turtles.
Baby zombies now burn in the sun.
Zombies now sink underwater.
Zombies now convert into a drowned instead of dying from drowning.
Husks now convert into zombies when drowning.
The textures of zombies and baby zombies have been changed.
Zombies attack the new wandering trader.
Mobs that spawn wearing carved pumpkins or jack o'lanterns on Halloween no longer drop them.
Zombies drop baked potatoes instead of normal potatoes if on fire when killed or killed by a fire source.[12]
Zombies no longer pick up glow ink sacs.
Zombies now only spawn at light level 0.
Zombies no longer spawn in dripstone caves.
Zombies now spawn in dripstone caves again.
Added zombies.
Zombies can now drop feathers.
Zombies now have new animations.
Zombies are now set on fire when exposed to sunlight. Previously, they emit smoke particles and take damage, but are not visually on fire.
Zombies now spawn more frequently.
Zombies now have rare drops of carrots and potatoes.
Zombie AI and mechanics have been changed – this now makes them much smarter.
Zombies now have 2 (
) armor points, preventing 8% of damage.
Added baby zombies and chicken jockeys.
Zombies now drop rotten flesh.
Zombies can now spawn wearing armor.
Zombies can now break down doors.
Zombies are now able to detect the player from up to 40 blocks.
Baby zombies and baby zombie villagers have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, adult zombie villager, adult zombie pigmen, cows, pigs, sheep, cave spiders or spiders.
Adult zombie pigman are no longer ridden by baby zombie variants.
Baby zombies now burn in daylight.
Zombies now sink underwater.
Zombies now convert into a drowned instead of dying from drowning.
Husks now convert into zombies when drowning.
Zombies now attack baby turtles and stomp on turtle eggs.
Baby zombies can now mount adult stray cats and pandas.
The textures of zombies and baby zombies have been changed.
Zombies now attack wandering traders.
Adult zombie pigmen can now be ridden again by baby zombie variants.
Zombies now have the ability to pick up items.
Zombies no longer pick up glow ink sacs.
Added zombies.
Zombies now drop rotten flesh, instead of feathers.
The zombies' AI has been improved, which gives them a much better sense of direction when pursuing the player, allowing them to navigate obstacles, and even small mazes if constructed, to get to the player.
Zombies have been given the ability to 'see' through windows.
If a zombie is exposed to sunlight and bursts into flames, it now search for a body of water to douse the flames.
Zombies now chase and attack villagers and now attack doors (breaking them on Hard difficulty).
Zombies now attack villagers in preference to the player, and always chose the shortest way to the target, even if there is a door in the way.
Zombies now sometimes drop iron ingots, helmets, shovels and swords as rare drops.
Zombies' rare loot drops have been changed to be carrots, potatoes or iron ingots.
Zombies can now pick up items.
Zombie armor has been added and zombies can now wear any type of armor.
Zombies can now hold an iron sword or iron shovel.
Added baby zombies.
Baby zombies now drop experience.
Zombies now drop their skull when killed by a charged creeper.
Baby zombies now have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, cows, pigs, sheep, spiders or cave spiders.
Baby zombies now burn in sunlight.
Zombies now sink in water.
Zombies now convert into a drowned instead of dying from drowning.
Husks now convert into zombies when drowning.
Baby zombies can now ride adult stray cats and pandas.
Zombies are now hostile toward wandering traders.
Added zombies and baby zombies.
Added zombies.


  • The zombie is a playable DLC character in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as an alternate costume for Steve.
  • Green-colored zombies are also present in Minicraft, a 2D Minecraft-inspired game also created by Notch.


Issues relating to "Zombie" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  1. The inradius is based on the followRange stat: base value is 35, ±5% random spawn bonus, then plus 0–50% random zombie-spawn bonus

See also[]

  • Zombie Villager
  • Husk
  • Drowned
  • Zombie Horse
  • Zoglin
  • Zombified Piglin


  • A zombie holding a piece of white wool.[9]

  • A baby zombie "wearing" a jack o'lantern on its head on Halloween. This glitch no longer happens.

  • The same glitch with a baby zombie wearing a pumpkin.

  • Zombies with three different armor types.

  • A zombie holding wool.

  • A zombie emerging from a dark cave.

  • Player, zombie and husk size comprasion.

  • A zombie trying to break through a door.

  • A zombie horde that spawned outside a village hammering at a door.

  • A zombie wielding an iron shovel doing its attack animation.

  • Naturally armored zombies.

  • An armored zombie that picked up a stick as a melee weapon.

  • A zombie holding a diamond hoe and full gold armor.

In other media[]

  • LEGO Minecraft Zombie minifigure.

  • Baby Zombie minifigure.

  • Official 8.5-inch Baby Zombie Plushie made by JINX.

  • Zombie Spirit from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • Official zombie action figure made by JINX.

  • Zombie plush made by JINX.


  1. //
  2. "[MC-62182] Webs block sunlight from burning skeletons and zombies - Jira" – Mojira, July 16, 2014.
  3. "[MC-14800] When zombie villagers, husks, drowned or zombified piglins are damaged, they spawn regular zombie reinforcements - Jira" – Mojira, April 27, 2013.
  4. "[MC-227735] Zombie reinforcements can spawn on biomes where regular zombies can't - Jira" – Mojira, June 8, 2021.
  5. "[MC-114016] Reinforcement zombies are not centered on a block - Jira" – Mojira, February 19, 2017.
  6. "[MC-127298] Zombie Villagers and Zombie Pigmans don't turn into Drowned - Jira" – Mojira, March 14, 2018.
  7. "Minecraft Survival development update" – Nizzotch on YouTube, August 24, 2009
  8. "Lost internets.. The zombies drop feathers because I don't know what they should drop, and chickens weren't around back then!" – @notch (Markus Persson) on Twitter, January 2, 2011
  9. ↑ a b ""Hey there, I think you dropped this"" – @jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on Twitter, August 28, 2012
  10. //
  11. "Intended." – @Dinnerbone (Nathan Adams) on Twitter, September 6, 2012
  12. MC-199065
  13. MCPE-156517 – Resolved as Incomplete.

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