Bagaimana cara menambahkan html ke powershell?

PowerShell adalah alat canggih yang membantu Anda menyederhanakan dan mengotomatiskan tugas yang membosankan dan berulang. Administrator biasanya menggunakan PowerShell untuk mengekstrak informasi dari sistem atau database saat kumpulan data yang diperlukan harus disajikan sebagai laporan. Tetapi laporan dalam teks atau file CSV biasanya kurang mencolok dan gaya HTML yang mewah. Dalam tutorial ini, Anda akan belajar cara membuat nn Laporan HTML Dengan PowerShell,

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PowerShell dapat membantu Anda membuat laporan HTML dan menjauh dari format hambar lainnya ini. Hanya dengan menggunakan PowerShell, Anda dapat membuat laporan menjadi hidup dengan HTML yang memungkinkan Anda membuat presentasi bermakna dari data mentah yang diekstrak dari sistem. Anda bahkan dapat menerapkan Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) untuk menyesuaikan tata letak laporan Anda dengan mudah

Dalam artikel ini, Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html6 yang dikombinasikan dengan Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html7 cmdlet untuk membuat laporan HTML. Anda juga akan mempelajari skrip dasar untuk CSS dan bagaimana hal itu dapat bermanfaat dalam memformat desain laporan berbasis HTML Anda


Artikel ini akan menjadi panduan. Jika Anda berniat untuk mengikuti, pastikan Anda telah menyiapkan prasyarat berikut sebelumnya

  • Semua contoh akan ditampilkan menggunakan Windows 10 Build 1709, tetapi versi ini tidak diperlukan
  • Windows PowerShell5. 1 atau versi yang lebih baru dari PowerShell Core 7
  • Peramban seperti Internet Explorer atau Google Chrome

Membuat Laporan Informasi Dasar Komputer menggunakan ________0______8

Untuk mendemonstrasikan cara menggunakan cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html_8 dan parameternya, Anda akan membuat skrip yang mendapatkan informasi dasar mesin (seperti Sistem Operasi, Prosesor, BIOS, dan ruang Disk yang tersedia) dan menghasilkan informasi tersebut ke laporan HTML

Anda mulai dengan perintah yang mengumpulkan informasi tentang versi sistem operasi dari mesin. Buka konsol PowerShell Anda lalu salin dan tempel perintah di bawah ini lalu tekan enter untuk menjalankan perintah

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer_

Ketika Anda menjalankan perintah di atas, cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_0 mengumpulkan properti dari kelas Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html1 yang berisi informasi tentang sistem operasi mesin, perintah akan mengembalikan banyak hasil, sehingga diperlukan filter untuk mendapatkan hanya informasi yang relevan. Hasilnya akan terlihat mirip dengan tangkapan layar yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Informasi Sistem Operasi Mesin

Sekarang setelah Anda mendapatkan perintah untuk mengembalikan informasi sistem operasi, mari ubah hasilnya menjadi kode HTML. Untuk mengonversi hasil (objek) dari perintah di atas dalam kode HTML, Anda dapat menyalurkan keluaran Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html0 cmdlet ke Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html8. Jalankan perintah di bawah ini di konsol PowerShell Anda

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html

Anda dapat melihat screenshot berikut di bawah ini bahwa PowerShell secara otomatis menghasilkan tag HTML dari output Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html0 cmdlet. Hasilnya ditampilkan dalam format tabel, di mana tajuk tabel menampilkan nama properti seperti Versi, Keterangan, NomorBuild, dan Pabrikan. Setiap baris tabel mewakili objek dan menampilkan nilai objek untuk setiap properti

Kode HTML yang dihasilkan

Mengekspor Laporan Ke File HTML

Sekarang setelah Anda mendapatkan hasilnya dan dikonversi ke kode HTML, mari ekspor laporan ke file HTML menggunakan cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 dan lihat laporan di browser web. Pipa keluaran cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html8 dan tentukan jalur tempat Anda ingin menyimpan laporan menggunakan parameter Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html7 dan gunakan Basic-Computer-Information-Report. html sebagai nama filenya

Buka PowerShell ISE Anda atau editor teks apa pun, salin kode di bawah ini dan simpan skrip dengan nama file Generate-HTML-Report. Ps1

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html

Jalankan Hasilkan-HTML-Laporan. Skrip Ps1 di Konsol PowerShell Anda


Setelah menjalankan skrip, buka Basic-Computer-Information-Report. html di browser web. Peramban web menginterpretasikan kode laporan HTML dan menampilkan data di layar peramban. Laporan tersebut harus berisi informasi tentang sistem operasi mesin yang mirip dengan tangkapan layar di bawah ini

Laporan HTML dilihat di browser web

Menggabungkan Laporan Menggunakan Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_8 Parameter

Pada titik ini, Anda sekarang memiliki skrip yang mendapatkan informasi tentang sistem operasi mesin dan mengekspor hasilnya ke laporan HTML. Tujuan Anda adalah menambahkan lebih banyak perintah dalam skrip untuk mendapatkan informasi komputer yang tersisa seperti Prosesor, BIOS, Disk, dan Layanan

Setiap perintah akan menampilkan informasi komputer berbeda yang diformat sebagai  kode HTML. Untuk menggabungkan informasi dengan benar dalam satu laporan HTML tunggal, gunakan parameter Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html8 untuk mendapatkan bagian tabel hanya dari kode HTML yang dihasilkan oleh cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html8

Seperti yang Anda lihat pada tangkapan layar di bawah, PowerShell menghasilkan semua elemen HTML dasar saat output disalurkan ke cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html8

Daftar kode HTML yang dihasilkan menggunakan Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html8 cmdlet

Saat Anda menggunakan parameter Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_8, PowerShell hanya menghasilkan elemen tabel HTML. Elemen .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps1_4, .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps15, .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps16, .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps17, dan lainnya dihilangkan. Hasilnya ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Daftar kode HTML untuk tabel menggunakan parameter Fragment

Sekarang Anda sudah tahu bagaimana parameter Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_8 bekerja dari contoh di atas, mari terapkan itu di skrip

Perintah dalam skrip di bawah ini melakukan hal berikut

  • Lima baris perintah pertama mendapatkan informasi berbeda dari mesin seperti Sistem Operasi, Prosesor, BIOS, Disk, dan Layanan
  • Saring hasilnya menggunakan parameter .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps1_9 untuk hanya menampilkan nilai yang relevan
  • Menyimpan nilai dalam variabel masing-masing. Setiap informasi diformat sebagai tabel menggunakan #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html0
  • Gabungkan tabel HTML menggunakan parameter #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html1 ke dalam satu laporan HTML
  • Atur judul laporan menjadi “Laporan Informasi Komputer” menggunakan parameter #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html2
  • Ekspor laporan sebagai file HTML menggunakan parameter Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5

Informasi tambahan tentang skrip tersedia di komentar di cuplikan kode di bawah ini. Perbarui skrip dengan kode berikut

#The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html

Jalankan skrip di konsol PowerShell. Anda dapat melihat output dari laporan seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Laporan HTML dengan informasi komputer dasar

Menambahkan Label Menggunakan #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html4 dan #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 Parameter

Pada titik ini, skrip sekarang dapat memperoleh semua informasi dasar komputer dan mengekspor hasilnya ke HTML. Namun, seperti yang Anda lihat pada tangkapan layar di atas, seseorang atau penerima laporan mungkin mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konten saat Anda menghapus anotasi karena informasi tidak diberi label atau dikategorikan dengan benar

Dengan menggunakan parameter #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html4 dan #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5, Anda dapat menambahkan label ke setiap tabel sehingga siapa pun dapat dengan mudah membedakan konten laporan

Parameter #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_4 menentukan teks yang akan ditambahkan sebelum tag #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html9 pembuka dan parameter #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 menentukan teks yang akan ditambahkan setelah tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html1 penutup. Nilai yang ditambahkan pada parameter ini tidak secara otomatis diubah menjadi kode Html, jadi Anda perlu menggunakan tag HTML secara eksplisit agar dapat dirender dengan benar sebagai elemen HTML

Perbarui skrip menggunakan perintah di bawah, lalu jalankan skrip di  konsol PowerShell

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan dalam skrip

  • Perintah baru ditambahkan untuk mendapatkan nama komputer. Nilai variabel #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html2 memiliki #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html3 tag untuk mengubah format teks menjadi judul saat dirender di browser
  • Label yang berbeda ditambahkan di setiap tabel menggunakan #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html4 Parameter dan nilai ditempatkan di #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 tag
  • Label tanggal pembuatan ditambahkan di akhir laporan menggunakan #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as a table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 Parameter dan nilai ditempatkan di tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html7

#The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html

Anda dapat melihat dengan sedikit kerja ekstra, laporan dapat terlihat jauh lebih baik, laporan harus diperbarui seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Laporan HTML ditambahkan dengan label menggunakan Parameter PreContent dan PostContent

Mengubah Tata Letak Tabel Menggunakan #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html8 Parameter

Mungkin, tabel HTML yang dihasilkan memiliki banyak kolom dan Anda ingin mengubah format untuk menampilkan nilai dengan benar sebagai daftar, Anda dapat menggunakan parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html8. Secara default, saat Anda menyalurkan output ke #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html0, PowerShell menghasilkan tabel HTML yang menyerupai format tabel Windows PowerShell

Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat pada tangkapan layar di bawah, header tabel menampilkan nama properti seperti Version, Caption, Build Number, dan Manufacturer dan setiap baris tabel mewakili objek dan menampilkan nilai objek untuk setiap properti

Kode HTML dihasilkan oleh cmdlet ConvertTo-Html yang diformat sebagai Tabel

Untuk mengubah tata letak tabel menjadi daftar, gunakan parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html1 lalu diikuti dengan Daftar. PowerShell menghasilkan tabel HTML dua kolom untuk setiap objek yang menyerupai format daftar Windows PowerShell. Kolom pertama menampilkan nama properti seperti Version, Caption, Build Number dan Manufacturer dan kolom kedua menampilkan nilai properti

Kode HTML dihasilkan oleh cmdlet ConvertTo-Html yang diformat sebagai Daftar

Dari contoh di atas, Anda sekarang memiliki gagasan tentang cara mengubah tata letak tabel, mari terapkan parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html8 dalam skrip kami untuk mengubah tata letak tabel informasi Sistem Operasi, Prosesor, BIOS, dan Disk ke format daftar

Perbarui skrip dengan kode berikut di bawah ini. Skrip memiliki parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_1 di baris perintah untuk Sistem Operasi, Prosesor, BIOS, dan Disk

#The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html

Setelah menerapkan parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_1, laporan harus diperbarui seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Tata letak tabel untuk informasi Sistem Operasi, Prosesor, BIOS, dan Disk sekarang diubah menjadi daftar

Laporan HTML dengan tabel yang diformat sebagai Daftar

Meningkatkan Laporan Menggunakan CSS

Mari bawa laporan ke tingkat selanjutnya dan mulai menambahkan desain menggunakan CSS. CSS digunakan untuk mengontrol tampilan laporan HTML di browser web. CSS mengontrol font, teks, warna, latar belakang, margin, dan tata letak. Di akhir bagian ini, Anda akan dapat melihat bagaimana laporan akan berubah dari format biasa menjadi kaya menggunakan CSS

Ada tiga cara untuk menerapkan CSS dalam HTML seperti Inline, Internal dan External. Untuk artikel ini, Anda akan menerapkan metode Internal menggunakan parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 di laporan HTML

Parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_5 menentukan konten tag .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps15. Tag .\Generate-HTML-Report.Ps1_5 adalah bagian dari struktur HTML tempat Anda menempatkan kode untuk CSS. Seperti yang Anda lihat pada tangkapan layar di bawah, tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html9 sudah disertakan saat kode HTML dihasilkan oleh cmdlet Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html8

Kode HTML yang menampilkan elemen Kepala

Sekarang mari gunakan CSS untuk memformat laporan HTML. Pertama, salin kode di bawah ini dan tempel di awal skrip. Kode CSS yang ditetapkan dalam variabel $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”_1 akan mengubah format teks dalam laporan yang ditempatkan dalam tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html3

$header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”

Selanjutnya, gunakan parameter #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 |ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html_5 dan tetapkan variabel $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”1. Perbarui skrip menggunakan kode di bawah ini

$Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" ` -Title "Computer Information" -Head $header -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>"

Saat Anda menjalankan skrip, laporan harus diperbarui seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Perhatikan bahwa satu-satunya elemen HTML yang terpengaruh adalah #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html3 yang diterapkan pada label "Nama komputer". Langkah-langkah di atas adalah contoh bagus tentang cara mengontrol atau memanipulasi desain laporan HTML menggunakan CSS

Laporan HTML dengan CSS menggunakan Head Parameter

Untuk menambahkan lebih banyak desain ke tabel dan label lain yang ditempatkan di tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html5 dalam laporan, terus perbarui variabel $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”1 dengan kode CSS di bawah ini

$header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000099; font-size: 16px; } table { font-size: 12px; border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } td { padding: 4px; margin: 0px; border: 0; } th { background: #395870; background: linear-gradient(#49708f, #293f50); color: #fff; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 15px; vertical-align: middle; } tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background: #f0f0f2; } #CreationDate { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #ff3300; font-size: 12px; } </style> "@

Setelah memperbarui dan menjalankan skrip, laporan harus diformat seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini – Berkat CSS, laporan sekarang menarik secara visual dan terlihat profesional

Laporan HTML diformat menggunakan CSS

Menggunakan Id HTML Dan Atribut Kelas Di CSS

Elemen HTML adalah blok bangunan dari seluruh laporan HTML Anda, CSS menggunakan elemen ini sebagai pemilih untuk mengetahui di mana gaya harus diterapkan. Dari contoh sebelumnya, kode CSS diterapkan pada elemen HTML $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”8,$header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”9, dan $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" ` -Title "Computer Information" -Head $header -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>"0 dalam laporan. Tetapi bagaimana jika Anda perlu menerapkan gaya yang berbeda pada elemen yang berbeda? . Dalam mendesain laporan HTML, Anda dapat menggunakan id atau class untuk menentukan satu elemen

Harap dicatat bahwa elemen HTML hanya dapat memiliki satu id unik milik elemen tunggal itu, sedangkan nama kelas dapat digunakan oleh banyak elemen. Untuk pengembang web, atribut ini tidak hanya untuk mendesain halaman tetapi terutama digunakan dalam pembuatan skrip untuk menangani bagaimana halaman akan merespons setiap peristiwa atau permintaan

Mari terapkan atribut id dan class dalam laporan HTML. Seperti yang Anda lihat pada cuplikan kode di bawah ini, label tanggal pembuatan ditempatkan di tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html7

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html0

Saat laporan dibuat dan dilihat di browser, label tanggal pembuatan diformat seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Laporan HTML menunjukkan label tanggal pembuatan

Untuk memformat label tanggal pembuatan menggunakan atribut id – Pertama, tetapkan nama id ‘Tanggal Pembuatan‘ ke tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html7. Nama id harus ditempatkan di dalam tag awal. Kode yang diperbarui ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html_1

Kedua, buat kode CSS baru untuk memformat label tanggal pembuatan. Gunakan simbol $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" ` -Title "Computer Information" -Head $header -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>"_3 diikuti dengan nama ID saat mendeklarasikan ID di CSS. Tambahkan kode CSS di bawah ini di variabel $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”1 lalu simpan dan jalankan skrip di konsol PowerShell

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html_2

Setelah menetapkan id dan membuat kode CSS baru yang menargetkan atribut id dari tag #The command below will get the name of the computer $ComputerName = "<h1>Computer name: $env:computername</h1>" #The command below will get the Operating System information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $OSinfo = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ConvertTo-Html -Property Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Operating System Information</h2>" #The command below will get the Processor information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ProcessInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,Name,Caption,MaxClockSpeed,SocketDesignation,Manufacturer -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Processor Information</h2>" #The command below will get the BIOS information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $BiosInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | ConvertTo-Html -Property SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Manufacturer,Name,SerialNumber -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>BIOS Information</h2>" #The command below will get the details of Disk, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $DiscInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | ConvertTo-Html -Property DeviceID,DriveType,ProviderName,VolumeName,Size,FreeSpace -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Disk Information</h2>" #The command below will get first 10 services information, convert the result to HTML code as table and store it to a variable $ServicesInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Select-Object -First 10 | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,DisplayName,State -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Services Information</h2>" #The command below will combine all the information gathered into a single HTML report $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" -Title "Computer Information Report" -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>" #The command below will generate the report to an HTML file $Report | Out-File .\Basic-Computer-Information-Report.html7, laporan harus diperbarui seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Laporan HTML menunjukkan label tanggal pembuatan yang diformat menggunakan CSS melalui ID sebagai pemilih

Mari terapkan atribut kelas di tabel informasi Layanan. Menggunakan CSS ubah warna teks menjadi hijau ** saat nilai status Running dan gunakan merah saat nilainya Berhenti

Laporan HTML menampilkan tabel Informasi Layanan

Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, atribut kelas dapat diberikan ke beberapa elemen HTML. Dalam laporan HTML, elemen yang menyimpan teks Berjalan dan Berhenti adalah tag $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" ` -Title "Computer Information" -Head $header -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>"6. Menggunakan metode $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" ` -Title "Computer Information" -Head $header -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>"_7 dari PowerShell, tetapkan nama kelas RunningStatus dan StopStatus ke semua tag $Report = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$ComputerName $OSinfo $ProcessInfo $BiosInfo $DiscInfo $ServicesInfo" ` -Title "Computer Information" -Head $header -PostContent "<p>Creation Date: $(Get-Date)<p>"6 dalam tabel informasi Layanan. Gunakan perintah di bawah ini dan perbarui skrip

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html_3

Add the following CSS code below in the $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } </style> @”1 variable. All tags with a class name of RunningStatus will have the hexadecimal value of $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000099; font-size: 16px; } table { font-size: 12px; border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } td { padding: 4px; margin: 0px; border: 0; } th { background: #395870; background: linear-gradient(#49708f, #293f50); color: #fff; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 15px; vertical-align: middle; } tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background: #f0f0f2; } #CreationDate { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #ff3300; font-size: 12px; } </style> "@ 0  which is equivalent to color green,  and All tags with a class name of StopStatus will have the hexadecimal value of $header = @" <style> h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; } h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000099; font-size: 16px; } table { font-size: 12px; border: 0px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } td { padding: 4px; margin: 0px; border: 0; } th { background: #395870; background: linear-gradient(#49708f, #293f50); color: #fff; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 15px; vertical-align: middle; } tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background: #f0f0f2; } #CreationDate { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #ff3300; font-size: 12px; } </style> "@ 1  which is equivalent to color red.

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html_4

Simpan dan Jalankan skrip. Tabel informasi Layanan dalam laporan harus diperbarui seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Laporan HTML menampilkan tabel Informasi Layanan yang diformat menggunakan CSS melalui pemilih kelas

Di bawah ini adalah tata letak akhir dari laporan HTML yang diformat menggunakan CSS

Tata letak akhir laporan HTML

Di bawah ini adalah perintah lengkap untuk Hasilkan-HTML-Laporan. Ps1

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-object Version,Caption,BuildNumber,Manufacturer | ConvertTo-Html5


Dalam artikel ini, Anda telah mempelajari cara mengonversi objek (hasil) ke kode HTML dan membuatnya menjadi laporan HTML

Menghasilkan laporan ke format HTML memberi Anda kemampuan untuk menerapkan CSS yang membuat laporan lebih mudah untuk disempurnakan dan dimanipulasi. Ada banyak sumber daya online gratis yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pengkodean HTML dan desain CSS Anda

Saya harap artikel ini memberi Anda cukup ide tentang bagaimana Anda dapat membuat dan meningkatkan laporan HTML Anda. Bersulang

Bacaan lebih lanjut

  • ConvertTo-Html
  • Mengumpulkan Informasi Tentang Komputer
  • HTML dan CSS

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    Bagaimana cara menambahkan HTML di PowerShell?

    cmdlet New-Item digunakan untuk membuat file html dan cmdlet Set-Content untuk memasukkan konten ke dalamnya. .
    Dalam contoh ini, kami membuat file html baru bernama test. html. .
    Dalam contoh ini, kami menambahkan konten untuk diuji. .
    Dalam contoh ini, kami sedang membaca konten tes

    Bisakah PowerShell membaca HTML?

    Langkah pertama Anda adalah memasukkan beberapa HTML ke dalam shell. Untuk melakukan itu, Anda akan meminta PowerShell untuk mengambil halaman dari server web, dengan cara yang sama seperti browser web akan melakukan tugas yang sama. PowerShell tidak akan menggambar, atau merender, halaman, tetapi akan memungkinkan Anda bekerja dengan HTML mentah .

    Bagaimana cara mendapatkan keluaran PowerShell dalam HTML?

    Untuk membuat laporan HTML menggunakan PowerShell, kita dapat menggunakan perintah ConvertTo-HTML . Misalnya, katakanlah kita perlu mendapatkan layanan untuk melaporkan dalam format HTML, maka kita dapat menggunakan ConvertTo-HTML sebagai saluran pipa.

    Bagaimana cara mengirim konten HTML di email PowerShell?

    Apakah Anda perlu mengirim email berformat HTML dari PowerShell? . use the Send-MailMessge cmdlet with the -BodyAsHtml parameter.

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