Auto post multiple facebook groups v4 2022 - jera

With Convosight’s multi group publishing feature, you can easily create and share a post to multiple groups on Facebook that you admin/moderate.

To post to multiple Facebook groups simultaneously:

1. Go to, click on ‘Continue with Facebook’ and login to your account.

If you are new, you can SIGN UP by hitting the ‘continue with Facebook’ button. You can refer to this article to know the step-wise process to add Convosight in your Facebook group.👇🏻
How to add a Facebook group on Convosight? 

2. Select ‘Create a Post’ option from the panel on the left hand side

3. Under Hello {name}, Click – click here to post something…. ✏️

4. Go ahead and create your post. You can use Convosight’s templates or content suggestions for better engagement.

5. From the list of your groups given on the left hand side, select all the groups you’d like to publish your post to.

6. On the right hand side, you can see the popular times suggested by Convosight (based on your group activity). You can choose from any of those or go on to select a custom time.

7. Hit Publish. Your post will be scheduled for the chosen time and will be posted across the selected Facebook groups.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Our Post Scheduler or Smart Scheduler as we like to call it, not only allows you to post across multiple FB groups, but also adds a delay if the number of Facebook groups selected is more than that defined by Facebook. That said, it prevents you from landing into Facebook jail for posting across multiple groups at the same time because technically, you are not.

If you’re not aware of what Facebook jail is, you can check out this blog and know all about it👇🏻
What is Facebook jail and how to avoid it?

Additional Help

If you need any further assistance on How To Post To Multiple Groups On Facebook Simultaneously?, kindly go through this video.👇🏻

Creating value in the lives of others with my content, little by little.✨
Working at Convosight, I do more than just wrangle commas. I’m passionate about innovating new ways to create amazingly effective content and sharing it with the right audience.
Check out my latest blogs and feel free to share them!💛

How do I post to multiple groups on Facebook 2022?

Click on the “share” button and then select “share to a group.” 3. A pop-up window will appear with a list of all the Facebook groups you are a member of. Select the groups you want to share the post with and click “post.”

How can I post to multiple Facebook groups at once?

In the top-right corner you'll see all your connected group pages. Click on them all to select them. Now in the Write your post text box, create the post you want to upload to all the groups. When you're done, click on Schedule or click the down arrow beside it to select Post Now.

Can I automate posting to Facebook groups?

You can simply auto-post and auto-schedule your posts to multiple Facebook groups at once whenever you publish a new blog post, or you can individually tailor and schedule your posts individually for each Facebook group and then share them automatically. These are "auto-posting" and "custom sharing and scheduling".

Why can't I share to multiple groups on Facebook?

If you are trying to post to multiple Facebook Groups where you are NOT the admin, but are just a member, there is no Facebook-approved tool to do this. Any tools that say they support this are violating Facebook's terms of service, and will most likely result in your account getting temporarily or permanently banned.

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