Arti kata "marxist" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata marxist bahasa

An academic label for someone who adheres to the theories, or methods, of Karl Marx, who proved that society can be studied by science. The term is confused by a lot ignorant asshats who are unable to parse Marxism from small 'c' communism; the latter being a very specific type of society, whereas Marxism is more a way of understanding how the world is shaped by material conditions and the imperatives of class power, which are the real motor forces of history.


Marxists are defined by the methods they use to analyze society and develop systematic conceptualizations of its contradictory features, not by a strict political doctrine as is often believed.

Arti kata marxist bahasa

A modern day socialist or communist (or general far left individual) who doesn't realize what a failure left-economics are, and persists in proclaiming themselves part of a marxist group, despite wearing a tee shirt from Walmart and drinking Starbucks latte. It is uncommon to see a Starbucks Marxist who has a degree- and those that do normally hold the title "bachelor of arts in women's studies." Common amongst Starbucks Marxists is undying love for Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, Joseph Stalin, or Karl Marx.


The Starbucks Marxist proclaims his support for communist causes, while wearing a 30 dollar tee shirt made in India by 12 year olds.

Arti kata marxist bahasa

adj. common term used to describe someone who does not believe what you believe. Note: most abusers of this never read anything by Karl Marx (save maybe his propoganda script) so they generally have no idea what he is all about.


I am tired of that Marxist never agreeing with me. I mean, i am Glenn Beck, and i never went to school, but all my ideas are grand and spectactular.

Arti kata marxist bahasa

A college-educated vaguely bohemian liberal (usually female and white) who, while shopping for $400 jeans and planning visits to exclusive Vegas nightclubs, espouses Marxist revolution, loves Che and/or anti-WTO protests, and claims empathy for the poor and oppressed as long as they don't move in next door. He or she will have traveled to a relatively safe city in the developing world with Starbucks, like Dubai, Buenos Aires, or Cape Town. Will have a piece of "ethnic" art in his or her condominium and/or suburban house in a gated community.


The border protest was attended by a group of Neiman Marxists who held signs and stayed back on the pavement.

Arti kata marxist bahasa

Anyone who disagrees with the then-current economic theories dominating the Republican Party.


Obama is a Marxist

Arti kata marxist bahasa

Like any missionary, except one who preaches out of the book of (Karl) Marx. Basically, any communist in your workplace or college. They believe in overthrowing the superior western system of capitalism, and replacing it with what is essentially surfdom - basically, people working in the fields and factories all day for virtually no personal gain. They are annoying, and like most cultish preaching missionaries, they speak some real non-sense, and are hard to get rid of. And like Scientologists, they will make your life a living hell if they find that you have anything against them.


"Agh! Help me get rid of the Marxist missionary, they keep preaching about revolution, and won't listen to any of my logic!

Arti kata marxist bahasa

The Limousine Marxist is a far left politician or individual that advocates they are the savior of the poor and underprivileged, yet they ride around in limousines and take advantage of the corporate luxuries that their capitalist society so graciously provides them with. The Limousine Marxist's voting record and ideas are often in line with Marxist ideas. The stunning hypocrisy in their lifestyle versus what they advocate never even crosses their mind. They strive to put forth their ideas of oppression and radical Marxism to gain power and wealth, all at the expense of the people, although the people are told they will benefit greatly from the social programs that will cost them trillions in tax dollars. This also falls perfectly in line with the big government regulation and control. The Limousine Marxist advocates government regulation and control far beyond what is necessary for economic sustainability. They'll tax businesses into the ground that make profits beyond what they deem is 'excessive', they'll tell you what type lightbulbs you can put in your house, they'll tell you what type fuel you can run in your vehicle, they'll tell your children what type foods they can eat in school, they'll tell you what type firearm is acceptable under our Constitution, and they'll even go as far as defining when the moment of life begins, despite the science. ***The "Limousine Marxist" term was originally coined by Mark Levin.


Barack Hussein Obama uses phrases from the communist manifesto in his speeches, but the moderate and youth democratic voters are blinded by the media-glamorized aura of him to see the Limousine Marxist position he stands for.

Arti kata marxist bahasa

The ideology stemming from writers; Marx, Engels, Lenin. MLs believe that a successful socialist revolution needs a vanguard party and that there needs to be a transitionary period where the bourgeosie are oppressed out of existance. This usually occurs through the seizure of private property, nationalization of industry, and bourgeois culture. The proleteriat via the vanguard party will create a workers state which will implement all of what's said above. Eventually the state will whither away as it becomes less needed usually when the threat of counter revolutionary behavior is gone, and then we will have communism, a stateless, classless, moneyless society.


You know MLs aren't red fascists right? They were instrumental in defeating them. I am a Marxist-Leninist some of my favorite works are State and Rev and Imperialism by Lenin, along with Principles of Communism, and German Ideology.

Arti kata marxist bahasa

what trump supporters call LGBTQ+ and BLM because they dont like the fact that minorities have rights.


Normal Person: i support LGBTQ+ and BLM because they are human just like me Trump Supporter: REEEEEEEEEE I CANT BELIV U R MARXIST REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE U STOOPID MARXIST COMMIE EEEEEEEEEE Normal Person: this is why you dont friends......

Arti kata marxist bahasa

A Neo-Marxist is someone who, in contrast to Orthodox Marxists, reject the concept of economic determinism; the idea that all of society's decisions are ultimately determined by economic conditions, and that capitalist societies will inevitably collapse due to the capitalist economic system's inherent contradictions. Neo-Marxists believe that society's decisions are determined by ideology as well as economic conditions, and that it is the hegemonic ideology of the bourgeoisie that keeps workers from starting the world revolution that Orthodox Marxists (such as Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, etc) thought was inevitable. There is controversy over the term, as some thinkers like Noam Chomsky have been described being Neo-Marxist despite preferring to be described as anarcho-syndicalist or libertarian socialist. While there are many branches of Neo-Marxism that are not always in agreement with eachother, the writings of Antonio Gramsci and scholars at the Frankfurt School are highly influential in Neo-Marxist thought.


HyperNormalisation (2016) is a documentary by Adam Curtis that provides an excellent Neo-Marxist analysis of world history between 1975 and 2016.

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