Arti kata "espn" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata espn bahasa

A Sports network where any random idiot can make it as an "expert analysist" for a sport.


Person1: Lol at Merrill Hodge calling Vince Young a bust. Person2: What did you expect, he works for freakin espn!!!

Arti kata espn bahasa

Eastern Sports and Patriots Network. They are alway jockin the patriots and everything in the east in fact i think they have 24/7 live coverage on tom Bradys house like anyone cares.


Man that ESPN sure does jock the patriots and tom brady pretty hard. Whats tom brady doin these days? i dont know check the Patriots Network(ESPN) it has 24/7 live coverage of his life.

Arti kata espn bahasa

the best channel to watch. It has the thing that matters most in life sports.


I love ESPN, it has everything to live for

Arti kata espn bahasa

Adj. Something which is incredibly overplayed and overdramatized.


Up next on ESPN, completely unfounded speculation regarding the motives of Brett Favre returning to the NFL, followed by a six hour discussion comparing Favre with current Packers QB Aaron Rodgers. Then we'll take you live to Brett Favre's home where we will watch him eat cheetos while watching television.

Arti kata espn bahasa

ESPN is a bunch of ass kissing Yankees, Red Sox, and Patriots fans. Last year (2008) they had a part of Sportscenter DEDICATED, yes dedicated to the old Yankee Stadium, when about 3 other teams were also in the process of building a new stadium. Every February they also dedicate a huge part of Sportscenter about the Yankees and Redsox training camps, seriously WHO CARES. ESPN is a bunch of East coast assholes who don't care at all about any other teams in the other part of the country, except for Manny and the Dodgers. Their so called "expert analyists" don't know a thing about sports, and are a bunch of ex-bench players at Division 3 schools. If you like ESPN you indeed have a vagina.


Nobody gives a shit about the Yankees and Red Sox training camps. Doesn't ESPN remember that there are 28 other teams in the MLB?

Arti kata espn bahasa

Quite possibly the most biased, idiotic network on television. If you want "news" (and I use the word news lightly) just tune to anything even remotely sponsored by ESPN. At all cost will promote the Patriots ( who the fuck cares about Tom Brady's backup?!) or the Red Sox (congrats, you've finally won a world series), and the Yankees (no one cares about A-Rod anymore). The network is also full of ex 3rd stringers, who know next to nothing about sports in general. In 2008, Espn added Sportscenter live, hosted by the two biggest retards ever in Espns history. Avoid watching or listening too, or you will commit suicide.


Moron: Dude did you see the outplayed Sportcenter top ten? Person with moderate intellect: The one consisting of home runs by the red sox and yankees? Fuck no, espn gargles my balls.

Arti kata espn bahasa

Did for sports what MTV did to music. Turned it into a bunch of commercialized GARBAGE. ESPN is very good at creating the illusion that sports are somehow important or meaningful thereby creating a large viewership of brainless drones. Shows like "Sports Center" are done in a format of a news show which accomplishes this end. Then there are sports trivia game shows. All of this mind-rot meshed together creates the worst kind of consumerist sports freak. Sports are stupid anyway...even if it was just a purist sports channel without all the bullshit hype building fluff, would anyone watch it anyway? Stop watching bullshit ESPN game shows, get off your ass, and go PLAY a sport. Or better yet, pickup a book. Its kind of hard to go from watching ESPN to reading books but you can get there. Take it slowly...


Stupid fucks on urban dictionary try to delete my ESPN definition so i put it back up a few days after it dissapears.

Arti kata espn bahasa

Popular Sports Channel. Acronym that stands for Eastern Sports Promotion Network. Will usually see things like the latest Terell Owens coverage, drooling over Tom Brandy, the latest routene Derek Jeter play, the latest Manny Ramirez bitch fit, or why the ACC is better than all other conferences. Also has lame stories that try to prove sports worth when in all aspects it's just a game. Also made watching cards on T.V. popular. Also never stops covering the Chicago Cubs, Barry Bonds, LeBron James, Kobe Bryan/Phil Jackson, and Lance Armstrong (a.k.a. national fraud).


Friend: Dude, did you watch ESPN tonight? Me: Yeah, they did not say who won the world series in 2005 but I'm so glad I know that T.O. has a contract dispute, and just what the yankees and red sox need to do get to the World Series in 2006. Or great programing like this: Peter Gammons: I know the Red Sox suck but I just think everyone wants to see them win the world series again. Harold Renyolds: I think the Cubs are going to win although their manager is a dolt, they have no bullpen, and half their pitching has never finnished a full season, I like their chances.

Arti kata espn bahasa

to have very strong game inspite of or on account of a hint of sleaze.


Anish partied like a rockstar last night. When I saw him pinch my CEO's ass I knew he had espn on.

Arti kata espn bahasa

a Small central utah gang of about 10-30 people with bigger connections like the rapper citation and former lay low crip Sugarbear. who also skate and mosh. with a 5 person rival gang in the next town of tooele


espn homies Always keep a green rag around their mag

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