Apa yang mempengaruhi keberagaman ekonomi masyarakat?

Pecinan Semarang sebagai kawasan permukiman merupakan suatu kawasan tempat tinggal dan tempat melakukan kegiatan untuk mendukung kehidupan penghuninya, memiliki karakter yang berbeda dengan kawasan lainnya di Semarang. Pecinan Semarang memiliki keragaman Streetscape yang spesifik. Streetscape, di dalam konteks ini merupakan counterpart kepada masyarakat Cina/ Tionghoa baik sebagai sesuatu yang dinamis maupun bentukan statis eksisting. Streetscape menjadi sebuah identitas kawasan yang tidak hanya menjadi hidup akan tetapi selalu hidup, sebagai penggerak yang menjadi sebuah presentasi animasi sebuah tempat, penduduknya, waktu dan gaya hidup saat itu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting Kawasan Pecinan Semarang melalui kajian terhadap keragaman yang ada pada streetscape serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keragaman streetscape terhadap arsitektur kawasan. Kawasan Pecinan Semarang sebagai kawasan permukiman sekaligus unit usaha masih mencerminkan budaya lokalitasnya. Secara spasial permukiman berorientasi ekomomi. Keragaman kegiatan ekonomi yang tercermin pada keragaman streetscapenya berupa:kegiatan ekonomi formal, kegiatan ekonomi informal serta kegiatan ekonomi temporer. Ketiga basis kegiatan ekonomi inilah sebagai komponen pengembang kawasan Pecinan Semarang di masa datang. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberagaman streetscape Pecinan Semarang : Berupa tata kehidupan (budaya) masyarakat setempat, merupakan sentra perputaran ekonomi dan berorientasi terhadap bisnis, baik di hari-hari biasa maupun di saat terdapat perayaan keagamaan. Letak penggal jalan sebagai faktor penentu keragaman aktivitas. Jalan yang dapat mudah di akses, strategis, menjadi faktor penentu adanya keragaman streetscape di kawasan tersebut. Faktor lain yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah adanya Kelenteng- kelenteng yang masih aktif sebagai pusat peribadatan dan Gang Baru sebagai pasar tradisional menjadi pembangkit aktivitas kehidupan

As a residential area, Semarang Chinatown is a place of living and a place of activities associated with daily life, has a different character compared to other regions in Semarang. This can be seen in the physical and non physical features which makes this area as a heritage asset as a scene of the culture of the community of the past and present. That is why it has a specific diversity of streetscape. In this context, streetscape becomes the counterpart of the Chinese Tiong Hwa community as something dynamic, also as an existing form in the Semarang Chinatown. It becomes the identity of the area that is not only alive, but will also live on, as a vehicle, which becomes a presentation of animation of the place, its residence, time and lifestyle at that time. The purpose of this research is to find out the existing condition of Semarang Chinatown through the analysis of the diversity on the streetscape and to identify factors that effect the diversity of the streetscape towards the architecture of the place. The diversity of streetscape that occur in the Semarang Chinatown area is created by the weaving and connecting between human social-cultural factors and the spatial factor of the place which is unique and unduplicatable. Semarang Chinatown as a residential area as well as a commercial unit still maintains its cultural locality. Spatially, the residences orientate towards economy. The diversity of economical diversity is observed in its streetscape diversity as: formal economic activity, informal economic activity and temporary economic activity. This three economic activity basis becomes the component of the development of the streetscape of today and the future. The factors that effect the diversity of Semarang Chinatown streetscape include: the organization of culture of the local community, which is the center of the economy and orientation towards business, both in normal days and in days of festivities. Government intervention in the arrangement/design of the Semarang Chinatown area becomes an important factor in creating the diversity of the streetscape. The location of crossroads are also the important factors of activity diversity. Roads with easy access, strategic, becomes the deciding factor of the streetscape diversity in the area. Another important factor equally important is the existence of the temples that are still active until today as a place of worship and Gang Baru as a traditional market that becomes the generator of daily life activities

Kata Kunci : Kawasan Pecinan,Streetscape


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