Apa itu user id facebook

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User ID facebook merupakan deretan kumpulan angka pada account profil facebook. User ID dapat kita gunakan seperti untuk berbagai trik facebook,umumnya untuk ngewall pada account facebook orang lain (pacar). Kegunaan user ID facebook dapat diliat pada tutorial sebelumnya Update status Facebook FBML (Tips..) dan Facebook Places,Foursquare (Jumper..).

User ID facebook dapat kita dapatkan dengan melihat link profil facebook seseorang misal: //www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001012263306. Angka yang bercetak tebal merupakan ID dari profil facebook. Tapi bagaimana jika link profil facebook telah diganti menjadi username. misal: //www.facebook.com/silvinarestilestari. Pasti bingung kan cara mendapatkan User ID nya. Untuk mendapatkan user id pacar tersebut ada beberapa cara antara lain:

1. Buka profil facebook pacar dan arahkan kursor pada tombol message/poke dan liat pada pojok kiri atau kanan browser anda. seperti: //www.facebook.com/messages/1507159362 (untuk message), //www.facebook.com/ajax/poke_dialog.php?uid=1507159362&pokeback=0 (untuk poke) dari url tersebut di dapat ID dari //www.facebook.com/silvinarestilestari adalah 1507159362.

2. Cara termudah dapat dilakukan dengan graph pada facebook dengan mengetikkan di browser dengan //graph.facebook.com/username misal: //graph.facebook.com/silvinarestilestari maka akan keluar code dibawah ini.

{ "id": "1507159362", "name": "Silvina Resti Lestari", "first_name": "Silvina", "middle_name": "Resti", "last_name": "Lestari", "link": "//www.facebook.com/silvinarestilestari", "username": "silvinarestilestari", "gender": "female", "locale": "id_ID" }

Dari code JSON maka didapat IDnya..hoho
Tip lainnya dari graph facebook kita bisa mendapatkan gambar profil dari account dengan mengetikkan sebagai berikut:
pada type dapat kita ganti dengan small,big,square..coba aja gan..

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Do you need to get your Facebook User ID and have no idea how to find it?

In this Facebook marketing tutorial, we are going to show you two methods step by step how to find the Facebook user ID, sometimes shortened as Facebook ID.

  • What is the Facebook User ID?
  • How to find Facebook User ID on Facebook?
  • Can’t find the Facebook user ID
  • Other way to look up the Facebook ID
  • How to check if you found the correct Facebook  ID?
  • Other Facebook ID lookup methods

What is the Facebook User ID?

The Facebook user ID or the Facebook profile ID is the unique identifier of your Facebook user profile. There are some situations when you need to provide it for someone so they can uniquely identify your Facebook profile.

You can freely give this Facebook ID to anyone, it doesn’t have any security concerns. Here is a nice explanation of what Facebook uses this ID for.

There are two easy ways to find this Facebook user ID. You can get it either from your Facebook profile directly, or you can also look up the profile ID in 3rd party services for free.

Here is how to find the Facebook user ID:

  1. Open up Facebook.
  2. In the top right corner of your screen, click on the down arrow.
  3. Select ‘Settings & Privacy’.
  4. Then click on ‘Settings’
  5. Click ‘Apps and Websites’ on the left.
  6. Click ‘View and edit’ next to an app or game.
  7. Scroll down to Learn more section. You will find your Facebook user ID is in the paragraph below.

If you prefer to watch a video tutorial on how to find the Facebook user ID, check out this one:

Can’t find the Facebook user ID

Facebook keeps changing the user interface so it is possible that this method doesn’t work out for you to look up the Facebook account ID.

If you can’t find the Facebook user ID with the above method, no worries, we have another way to find your Facebook profile ID.

Let’ see this method:

Other way to look up the Facebook ID

If the method we have shown above, doesn’t seem to be working for you, try to to look up Facebook User ID by doing the follwoing

Here is how to look up a Facebook User ID.

  1. Open up your Facebook profile
  2. Copy the URL of your Facebook profile
  3. Go to //lookup-id.com/
  4. Paste the URL of your Facebook profile
  5. It should give back the User ID of your account in a couple of seconds.

How to check if you found the correct Facebook  ID?

Whichever method you used, you can double-check if the user ID you found is the right one.

All you have to do is to copy the ID and add it to the Facebook domain name, like so:

  • facebook.com/USERID

Then paste this new URL to the browser address bar and open the page. It should take you to the user profile of that person.

Other Facebook ID lookup methods

There are other assets, Facebook accounts that have unique IDs. We have separate tutorials on those that you can find here:

  • Find Facebook page ID
  • Find Facebook Business ID
  • Find Facebook Ad Account ID
  • Find Facebook Group ID
  • Facebook Ad ID
  • Facebook Post ID

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