Apa fungsi sertifikat ja personal finance

Anda pasti baru sadar bahwa selama ini sekolah bisnis di Indonesia jarang membahas mengenai keuangan pribadi, karena dalam kurikulum yang ada dan berlaku saat ini di sekolah bisnis belum memasukkan masalah keuangan pribadi.

Padahal masalah keuangan pribadi adalah sesuatu yang sangat mendasar dan wajib diketahui oleh setiap orang, karena keberhasilan pengelolaan keuangan personal akan membawa dampak terhadap kesejahteraan setiap keluarga dari sisi status ekonomi. Apabila keluarga Indonesia sejahtera, berarti kemandirian ekonomi Indonesia sudah di depan mata.

Literasi keuangan menjadi kata kunci, dimana harus ditanamkan sejak dini mengenai cara mengelola keuangan yang baik. Untuk dapat mengelola keuangan dengan baik, berarti anda harus mampu membuat atau menyusun rencana dan tujuan, memilih instrument yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan dan cara mengawal rencana untuk bisa mendarat tepat ditujuan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya.

Secara umum personal keuangan akan terdiri dari pengelolaan investasi, proteksi, perpajakan dan warisan. Dalam training ini anda akan dibekali basic knowledge dan bagaimana menerapkan metode dan strategi dalam mencapai tujuan keuangan.

Secara garis besar anda akan belajar:* Bagaimana mengelola keuangan dan proses pengambilan keputusanmenjadi lebih baik* Belajar teori dan aplikasi Time Value of Money* Belajar dasar pasar modal dan investasi saham* Belajar memanfaatkan utang untuk mencapai tujuan keuangan* Belajar bagaimana prinsip kerja asuransi* Belajar bagaimana mengkombinasikan investasi, kredit dan asuransi

* Belajar bagaimana pentingnya menabung dini untuk dana pensiun

  • Sesi – 1Mengapa anda perlu belajar Personal Finance?Apakah itu “Time Value of Money” (TVM?)

    Aplikasi TVM Bagian Pertama (The simple stuff)

    • Sesi – 2
      TVM Bagian Kedua (Annuities);Aplikasi anuitas dalam dunia nyata;Teori keputusan investasi;Trading versus investing;Beta.
    • Sesi – 3Membahas Saham, kepemilikan saham, dimana saham diperdagangakan, dan semua hal yang anda harus ketahui mengenai saham. Anda juga akan dijelaskan peranan analis dalam membantu anda dalam pemilihan


    • Sesi – 4Part 1: Reksadana dan Exchange Trade Fund.

      Part 2: Obligasi dan semua hal yang terkait dengan obligasi.

    • Sesi – 5Part 1: Sekilah mengenai stock options (call options and put options). Option pricing.

      Part 2: Bank dan credit cards. Credit scores. Bagaimana membangun dan menutup skore kredit.

    • Sesi – 6:Part 1: Microfinance and the research findings

      Part 2: Dasar-dasar asuransi dan mengenal produk asuransi serta bagaimana asuransi melindungi anda. Apa kata riset mengenai asuransi?

    • Sesi – 7:Part 1: Lebih dalam mengenai asuransi dan asuransi kesehatan di Indonesia.

      Part 2: Pensiun/Retirement

    • Ses- 8:Part 1: Lebih jauh mengenai pension/Retirement

      Part 2: Menyatukan semua aspek keuangan menjadi satu dan resep yang tepat untuk keuangan anda.

Jadwal Pelatihan Gemilang Training Tahun 2022

  • Batch 1 : 4-5 Januari 2022
  • Batch 2 : 2-3 Februari 2022
  • Batch 3 : 8-9 Maret 2022
  • Batch 4 : 5-16 April 2022
  • Batch 5 : 4-5 Mei 2022
  • Batch 6 : 7-8 Juni 2022
  • Batch 7 : 5-6 Juli 2022
  • Batch 8 : 2-3 Agustus 2022
  • Batch 9 : 6-7 September 2022
  • Batch 10 : 4-5 Oktober 2022
  • Batch 11 : 8-9 November 2022
  • Batch 12 : 6-7 Desember 2022

Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta pelatihan.

Investasi dan Lokasi pelatihan:

Yogyakarta, Hotel Neo Malioboro (6.000.000 IDR / participant * syarat & ketentuan berlaku)

Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Tendean (6.000.000 IDR / participant * syarat & ketentuan berlaku)

Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur (6.000.000 IDR / participant * syarat & ketentuan berlaku)

Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta(6.000.000 IDR / participant * syarat & ketentuan berlaku)

Surabaya, Hotel Amaris, Ibis Style (6.000.000 IDR / participant * syarat & ketentuan berlaku)

Lombok, Sentosa Resort (6.000.000 IDR / participant * syarat & ketentuan berlaku)

Catatan : Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas :

FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)

FREE Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .

Module / Handout

FREE Flashdisk


FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)

Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)

2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner

FREE Souvenir Exclusive

Training room full AC and Multimedia

JA Personal Finance                                                

A Personal Finance focuses on earning money; spending money wisely through budgeting; saving and investing money; using credit cautiously; and protecting one's personal finances.

Following participation in the program, students will be able to recognize the fundamental elements of smart personal finances. They also will be able to apply those elements to a personal financial plan that allows them to set specific goals for their lifelong financial needs and desired quality of life.


Program Sessions

Students learn that healthy personal finances take planning and managing. They begin to analyze major life events and issues that have financial implications.

Session Two: Saving for Life

Students analyze the role saving plays in their personal finances and how having a healthy savings plan is necessary in all phases of life.

Session Three: The Budget Game

Students investigate budgeting and why many people have difficulty staying within a budget.

Session Four: Credit Choices

Students analyze the importance of credit and the outcomes of wise and poor use of credit.

Session Five: Savvy Consumer

Students work in groups to create public service announcements to inform each other of risks to their finances and identify ways to protect themselves from potential losses.

Through JA Personal Finance, students experience the interrelationship between today's financial decisions and future financial freedom. To achieve financial health and wellness, they learn about money-management strategies, including earning, employment and income, budgeting, savings, credit and debt, consumer protection, smart shopping, risk management, and investing. At the conclusion of this program, students will be able to identify how their personal finances affect their quality of life. They will understand how their financial choices will be the basis of how they get what they want and need.

JA Personal Finance consists of eight 45-minute sessions with Additional Opportunities offered throughout. The program has two implementation options—basic or advanced.

  • Basic implementation includes Sessions One–Five delivered by the volunteer.
  • Advanced implementation includes Sessions One–Five delivered by the volunteer and Sessions Six–Eight delivered by the teacher or volunteer.

Basic or advanced implementation depends on educator requirements and correlations to local standards. Contact your local JA Area staff to find out which implementation will be used.

All JA programs are designed to support the skills and competencies identified by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. JA programs also correlate to state standards in social studies, English, and mathematics, and to Common Core State Standards. 

Junior Achievement USA gratefully acknowledges American Honda Finance Corporation for its dedication to the development and implementation of the high school financial literacy program JA Personal Finance.

Classroom Based
After School

Pillars of Student Success

Through JA Personal Finance 2.0, students experience the interrelationship between today's financial decisions and future financial freedom. To achieve financial health and wellness, they learn about money-management strategies, including earning, employment and income, budgeting, savings, credit and debt, consumer protection, smart shopping, risk management, investing, credit card usage, debt management, and net worth. Following participation in the program, students will be able to: -- Identify how their personal finances affect their quality of life -- Understand how their financial choices will be the basis for meeting their needs and wants.

JA Personal Finance is part of the JA Financial Literacy Pathway and is recommended for high school students (Grades 9-12).

This volunteer-led program can be implemented as a classroom based, remote live, or after school program. It consists of eight 45-minute sessions with 3 additional modular sessions. Program implementation depends on educator requirements and correlations to local standards. Basic implementation includes Sessions One–Five delivered by the volunteer. Sessions Six through Eight are optional and designed to be student self-guided activities with teacher or volunteer support. Sessions Nine, Ten, and Eleven are both optional and modular. Each session includes self-guided learning experiences and an introduction and wrap-up by a teacher or volunteer. JA teachers and volunteers are encouraged, as part of this program, to utilize the resources available in JA Connect™ Learning Pathways, located at connect.ja.org. This self-guided experience includes interactives, JA Digital Career Book, and games and apps for student use.

JA programs support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See below for more information on alignment with national and state standards.

Junior Achievement lessons are delivered by volunteers from the community. These presenters are prepared by JA to facilitate engaging learning activities that focus on financial literacy, work and career readiness, and entrepreneurship. This results in an enriched learning experience that helps students make the connection between what they learn in school and the world outside the classroom.

Once you’ve decided to have a JA volunteer in your classroom, fill out the form on this website. You will receive information on next steps.

You will be able to coordinate a schedule that works for your class either online or in conjunction with a JA representative.

Once a volunteer is identified for your class, JA will connect you with the presenter to discuss roles, expectations, and logistics.

After all details are in place, the JA volunteer will deliver lessons to your students either virtually or in-person.

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