10 waralaba olahraga terburuk 2022


Sabtu, 6 Juli 2019 09:28 WIB

Suasana pameran Waralaba di JCC (18/6). TEMPO/Seto Wardhana

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Para pelaku usaha waralaba atau franchise optimistis pertumbuhan bisnis ini di Indonesia bisa mencapai 8-10 persen di tahun ini. Ketua Perhimpunan Waralaba dan Lisensi Indonesia (WALI) Levita Supit, optimistis  prospek bisnis waralaba lebih baik dari tahun lalu. 

Baca: Dua Waralaba Ini Paling Diminati di Pameran Franchise

"Tahun ini saya kira lebih baik dari tahun lalu, karena orang tak lagi wait and see untuk berbisnis. Bisnis franchise ini banyak direspons masyarakat," ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Jumat 5 Juli 2019. Adapun pertumbuhan bisnis franchise sepanjang tahun lalu sekitar 5 persen. 

Menurut Levita, tren saat ini orang ingin berbisnis, tapi yang tidak lagi harus berpikir dari nol. Dengan waralaba yang prospek bisnisnya sudah jelas, perbankan juga akan lebih mudah mengucurkan pinjaman untuk modal.

Namun, tantangan bisnis waralaba ini adalah pebisnis harus inovatif dan kreatif. Pasalnya, beraneka ragam munculnya bisnis waralaba dan ditambah lagi banyak waralaba asing yang masuk ke Indonesia. "Mau enggak mau, waralaba harus kreatif saat ini beraneka macem bisnis," ucap Levita. 

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia Andrew Nugroho juga meyakini pertumbuhan usaha franchise atau waralaba di Indonesia tumbuh 10 persen sepanjang tahun ini. "Kalau tahun lalu enggak sampai 10 persen. Ini target pertumbuhan cabang, konsep baru, dan transaksi," ujarnya. 

Sementara Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Perdagangan Karyanto Suprih mengatakan Indonesia mempunyai potensi yang bagus dalam perkembangan dunia waralaba untuk pasar internasional. Mereka yang sudah bisa memasarkan produknya di luar negeri telah disebut berhasil.

BACA: Waralaba Indonesia Masih Didominasi Produk Makanan dan Minuman

"Sebagian merek waralaba Indonesia seperti Alfamart, J.CO Coffee & Donut, Kebab Turki Baba Rafi, Martha Tilaar telah berhasil mengembangkan usahanya dengan mendirikan gerai di beberapa negara sahabat antara lain di Filipina, Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei Darussalam dan Hongkong," kata Karyanto saat pembukaan IFRA 2019 di Jakarta, 5 Juli 2019.

Menurut data Kemendag, Alfamart sebagai waralaba yang menjual produk sehari-hari mereka telah membuka 174 gerai di Filipina. Lalu ada J.Co Coffe and Donut berhasil membuka 60 gerai di empat negara yaitu, Malaysia, Singapura Filipina dan Hongkong. Dan terakhir Kebab Turki Baba Rafi telah buka 60 gerai di delapan negara termasuk Cina, Belanda, Sri Lanka dan Bangladesh.


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Posted by9 months ago


I didnt know where else to post this, so i posted it here. In my opinion, its the Sacramento Kings.

Edit: Judging by the comments, Looks like the worst pro sports cities are Buffalo and Detroit. The worst NFL team is the Lions (followed by Jets/Browns/Jags) worst NBA team is the Kings. worst MLB team is the Seattle Mariners. the worst NHL team is the Coyotes

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level 1

Gotta be the Detroit Lions

level 2

It has to be. I for one, will be happy when our Detroit friends finally win one.

level 2

they're so bad and never come close to winning that people just forget about them being tortured

"oh yeah, forgot you existed" is what most people think of the lions

level 2

Thank you. We know.... we know.

But this year, Detroit feels like it's going to the super bowl. The city still loves Matt Stafford. And the halftime show has Eminem.

Stafford and Eminem? Detroit is in the super bowl.

level 2

My ex loves them so I have to agree with you. I never miss a chance to be petty when it comes to things that hold no real value

level 2

They do be having players retiring in their prime

level 2

I think the Washington football team would beg to differ. At least you guys have a name!

level 1

Arizona Coyotes. Constant ownership and arena drama. It has gotten so bad they are being booted from their current arena and will be playing for a few years in a 5,000 seat arena at ASU. NHL arenas are usually somewhere between 15,000 and 19,000... 97 different logos, jerseys, and color schemes, two different countries, three different team names, nary a winning year.

level 2

I’ve been in Phoenix for a while now and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a conversation about the coyotes and can hardly remember ever seeing merch. Suns, cards, sundevils get talked about. Dbacks when something notable happens or it looks like they might make a playoff push in back in 2017-2019. Coyotes? I legit forget they exist.

level 1

Despite having some very popular players throughout the years, you can make a case for the Seattle Mariners.

They haven’t been to the playoffs in 21 seasons (for comparison, Jets are at 11 and Sabres are at 10). This is the longest drought in all 4 major US sports. To make matters worse, ever MLB team has at least 1 playoff appearance in the last decade.

To further pile on, they’ve never won a World Series. In fact, they are the ONLY current team to never even appear in a World Series in their 45 year existence…

Sorry Seattle

level 2

But this is our year!

No really, I'm not kidding. We're actually pretty damn excited for this coming season. With reason this time!

level 2

Yeah but we got the Seahawks so suck it!

level 1

The worst franchise would be the jags but as a Eagles fan I’m obligated to say the cowboys, fuck Dallas.

level 2

I lived in Philadelphia during the Ray Rhodes years. After a particularly brutal game, a reporter asked him how that loss felt. His reply was, "It feels like someone broke into your house... and raped and murdered your wife and daughter."

level 1

Arizona Coyotes. Not only are they always absolutely terrible, but soon they will be moving to an arena that holds like 4k. Think about if the Lions had to move to a high school field.

level 1

If we are talking bad as in they can't win I'd crown the Detroit Lions. They have not won a championship since the Eisenhower administration and they have had arguably the best running back in the league and couldn't turn it into any kind of success and their suckery forced him into early retirement. Then a generation later than have arguably the best Wide Receiver in the league and can't get any real success from it and their suckery forced him into early retirement. They had a great quarterback who put up really good numbers for a decade but could never see any success with him and they trade him and he makes the Super Bowl in his first year on another team. Oh and they were the first team to go 0-16.

They are dreadful and even when they had world class players it meant nothing next to the massive gravitational pull keeping them in the cellar.

level 2

At least we have a fun upset win once or twice a season, sometimes we even have a 50-50 record!

level 1

· 9 mo. ago · edited 9 mo. ago


Detroit is not a bad sports city. It's actually fantastic. Right now is the absolute lowest Detroit sports have ever been but there is a giant BUT to it. The Lions are bad. I won't defend it. As I stated Detroit uscat its lowest, BUUUT all teams are rebuilding with the Tigers and Wings showing the most promise. The Wings games are fun to watch, they're scrappy as fuck, and they're filling Little Caesars Arena for the first time ever in its history and its a great hockey atmosphere with a raucous crowd. I'm confident Hockeytown is making a comeback. The Tigers are young and looked great halfway through last year. They should do well this year too. The Pistons... eh but we have Cade and hopefully it turns into something. It really is different now and Downtown Detroit buzzes whenever there's a hockey or baseball game.

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Apa waralaba olahraga yang paling tidak dihargai?

Pada 2019, tim bernilai terendah, Miami Marlins, bernilai $ 1,0 miliar.Miami Marlins, is worth $1.0 billion.

Olahraga mana yang memiliki waralaba tertinggi?

#1.$ 8 miliar.Dallas Cowboys.....
#2.$ 6,4 miliar.New England Patriots.....
#3.$ 6,2 miliar.Los Angeles Rams.....
#4.$ 6 miliar.New York Yankees.....
#4.$ 6 miliar.New York Giants.....
#10.$ 5,5 miliar.Los Angeles Lakers.....
#15.$ 5 miliar.Barcelona.....
#19.$ 4,6 miliar.Miami Dolphins ..

Tim olahraga apa yang kehilangan permainan terbanyak?

San Francisco Giants memiliki kemenangan paling banyak (11.301), sedangkan Tampa Bay Rays memiliki yang paling sedikit (1.826).Philadelphia Phillies memiliki kerugian terbanyak, dengan 11.112, sedangkan Arizona Diamondbacks memiliki yang paling sedikit, dengan 1.946.... postseason ..

Apa tim olahraga termurah untuk dibeli?

Tim paling ekonomis yang dapat Anda beli hari ini adalah Pelikan New Orleans, dengan nilai $ 1,35 miliar.Dalam hal profitabilitas, catatan menunjukkan bahwa dua tim teratas yang sama menghasilkan pendapatan terbanyak.Golden State Warriors menghasilkan sekitar $ 474 juta, sementara New York Knicks menghasilkan $ 421 juta.New Orleans Pelicans, with a value of $1.35 billion. In terms of profitability, Records show that the same top two teams generated the most revenues. The Golden State Warriors generated around $474 million, while New York Knicks made $421 million.

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