1 Apa dampak dari perubahan iklim terhadap ekosistem perairan?

Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan

Volume 3, Issue 1, May 2010, Pages 30-37

Research article
Dampak pemanasan global terhadap ekosistem pesisir dan lautan

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Universitas Darusallam Ambon, Indonesia

Received 18 December 2017, Published 13 May 2010, Available online 8 February 2018.

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Pemanasan global, emisi gas rumah kaca, ekositem pesisir dan lautan


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Bibliographic Information

Cite this article as:

Latuconsina, H., 2010. Dampak pemanasan global terhadap ekosistem pesisir dan lautan. Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan3(1): 30-37. //doi.org/10.29239/j.agrikan.3.1.30-37
  • Submitted18 December 2017
  • Revised5 November 2020
  • AcceptedNot available
  • Published13 May 2010
  • Sub-Discipline(s)Perikanan




  • Pemanasan global, emisi gas rumah kaca, ekositem pesisir dan lautan

Available online since October 2017

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Copyright © 2010 The Authors. Published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna on behalf of Sangia Publishing.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.


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